Example sentences of "[art] next [det] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 In the next few minutes the small parties moved in quick spurts from the deep shadow of one warehouse to the next black patch of cover .
2 Within the next few hours the water would rise , and his body would turn to ice as he was submerged , inch by inch , in the merciless waters of the Thames .
3 During the next few experiences the discrimination may still be uncertain — ‘ which ’ , we ask ourselves , ‘ of the two wines is this present specimen ? ’
4 Over the next few days the press was busy reporting doubts about the political wisdom of abolishing SERPS among ‘ ministers and Conservative MPs ’ while the Opposition tabled a censure motion calling on the Government to withdraw its plans to abolish SERPS and its ‘ callous dismantling of the Welfare State ’ .
5 Over the next few days the local Maquis had gathered them up , somewhat improbably , in a bright red thirty-two-seater bus !
6 In the next few days the Governor was out among the people , and newspaper reports spoke of ‘ the friendliest reception everywhere ’ .
7 Over the next few days the CNAA report was national news .
8 For the next few days the bone marrow which was taken from Carly will be incubated with the reprogrammed cells in a laboratory in Leiden .
9 In the next few days the family will arrange for her to have a check-up at the Royal Manchester Childrens ' Hospital , where she will become an outpatient .
10 Over the next few days the mystery deepened .
11 In the next few weeks the size of the picket increased , reaching 2,500 on 23 June .
12 For the next few weeks the debate on the reforms rolled on .
13 During the next few weeks the thoughts continued to come and go .
14 In the next few weeks the scientists of the West were split into two groups : should or should they not try to make an H-bomb ?
15 In the next few weeks the writing of that book was to be a lifebelt .
16 IN THE NEXT few weeks the common toads of Britain ( Bufo bufo ) will converge upon lakes and ponds intent on reproduction .
17 For the next few weeks the male passes food for his entire family through this hole until the female breaks the wall down and leaves the hole to help him collect the increasing quantity of food demanded by the growing chicks .
18 In the next few weeks the first lucky 10 will take delivery of the fatest road car in the world .
19 No one could foresee that over the course of the next few years the steel industry would be successfully reorganized and taken into the private sector .
20 Over the next few years the book saw suggestions for all manner of things — for packet tobaccos to be sold at shop prices , for a device to be put on the smoking room door to stop persistent slamming and a complaint that the bushes on the 5th made the hole a flukey .
21 Over the next few years the Assistant Librarian , Miss Liddell , probably got fed up with the sight of me as I used to get through several books each week and must have read most of the stock .
22 The basis for that is that over the next few years the South Africans will be on an upward learning curve after being without international competition for so long .
23 Over the next few years the numbers of separatists grew .
24 For the next few years the horde ravaged at will through the mountains , desecrating shrines , despoiling tombs , and waylaying travellers , but Grom was unable to take any of the Dwarf holds or bring them to battle .
25 During the next few years the plague was always with us .
26 Over the next few years the planning of urban motorways had considerable impact on the metropolitan areas of the West Midlands , Greater Manchester , Merseyside and Greater Glasgow , and the M4 , snaking across West London , was the longest road viaduct in Europe .
27 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
28 So far the birds in this country are being reared solely for sale as breeding pairs , but it 's hoped in the next few years the stock will be large enough to sell the birds for their meat .
29 Over the next few months the school became more and more deserted .
30 Over the next few months the government will be deciding whether to freeze Child Benefit for the 4th year running .
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