Example sentences of "[art] [indef pn] who [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 I was the one who recommended him to try for the job .
2 But the Hank in his mind , the one who calmed him down and cheered him up and got him going in a sensible way — she was just the sort of fantasy mother you 'd make up if your own mother was too strong , too passionate , too overwhelming .
3 So you 've got ta be the one who tells him .
4 You were the one who killed him , not Ace Barton ! ’
5 Pamela was the one who found him , and she spent the weekend after he died stoned out of her mind , listening to his records . ’
6 That 's why you meet so many people at parties who are falling over themselves to recommend their accountant , dentist , gardener or solicitor , as if having a good one automatically bestowed a halo of good judgement on the one who found him first .
7 Let me be the one who protects him , the one he trusts .
8 No one who heard him could doubt the strength of his commitment .
9 In that role he made headlines by disagreeing with Mrs Thatcher over participation at the Moscow games ; his robust independence surprised no one who knew him well .
10 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
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