Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A great anger had heated up , one of Robertson 's new windows had been shattered by a stone , and the womenfolk had made a move to drag the teacher out and throw him in the river .
2 However , prior to the Paras going in , The Prudes had proved a completely distinctive and revelatory experience .
3 The Pakistanis seemed to find the answers to all these questions a vehement ‘ yes ’ .
4 SALIM MALIK hits back at England charges after the Pakistanis had won the Test series
5 The press and the experts had put the monkey on his back that he could n't win a major , that he seemed to be ‘ choking on Sundays ’ .
6 The crowds had impeded the dung carts and the piles of rubbish and refuse were everywhere , the flies rising in thick black swarms .
7 Thus in Jaca there were allotments for the poor labourers and no agrarian destitute class ; around Saragossa the labourers had enforced a customary eight-hour day and worked in their free hours on their own plots ; but on the great estates of dry Aragon labour conditions could only be matched in Andalusia .
8 When the pickets tried to prevent the importation of coal into the country , or its movement into major steelworks like Port Talbot and Ravenscraig , they once more found lines of constables in their way .
9 Experiments illustrated in figure 1 on fires in a storage of goods on pallets in open racks showed that in three minutes after ignition , the flames were growing at a dangerous rate , and that after eight minutes the flames had encompassed the whole height of the racking ( 18 m ) and were producing large volumes of acrid smoke .
10 As they ran into the garden , stumbling clumsily against each other , there was a hollow explosion : the flames had reached the uncovered paraffin tin .
11 Even as the flames seemed to deepen the blackness around them , the light gave comfort and a sense of security .
12 The occupiers had appointed a normally competent firm of engineers to maintain the lift .
13 had found that plough carriers mounted on one of the bogies tended to throw the ploughs about , particularly if the pony wheels were worn or had flats .
14 Here and there the way opened into glades , in one of which the woodmen had left the trunk of a once mighty beech .
15 He had quite liked the thought of being fit and athletic some time in the future , although the signs had taken a long time coming .
16 There is a story , probably apocryphal , that the surveyors had demanded a bribe of the merchants of Tomsk to take the railway there .
17 It is not far-fetched to say , as Charles Moskos of Northwestern University argues , that campaigners for gays in the ranks wanted to use the armed forces as a social-engineering experiment ; and that they wanted to impose their values on a supposedly irredentist segment of American society .
18 The conduct of the defenders and the effect of such conduct on the minds of the pursuers are significant factors from which it may be inferred that the defenders intended to repudiate the contract .
19 With regard to husbands voting as proxy for their wives , the government had wanted at least the wife 's written authorization to be necessary , but the deputies voted to retain the existing stipulation that the proxy voter must present the family registration book .
20 On Nov. 21 , according to the Chinese Xinhua news agency , 67 per cent of the deputies voted to change the country 's name from the People 's Republic of Mongolia to the Republic of Mongolia .
21 Despite this the courts began to draw a dichotomy between administrative and judicial decisions , to take a narrow view of what constituted a judicial or quasi-judicial decision and to require this as a condition precedent for the application of a right to a hearing .
22 However , it was not long before the courts began to use the provision in an attempt to curb insider trading .
23 In consequence , the courts came to limit the cases in which recovery of an ultra vires impost was allowed to cases where there had been an extraction colore officii .
24 This , following the House of Lords decision in Scottish Insurance v. Wilson & Clyde Coal Co was , in effect , done by capital reductions even though the shares were irredeemable and quoted at above par , for the Lords decided in that case and in Prudential Assurance v. Chatterley-Whitfield Collieries in the same year , that the courts had to confirm the reductions since the preference shareholders were being treated in strict accordance with their class rights .
25 The scope of property includes property of persons who are not themselves visitors ( s. 1(3) ( b ) ) : ( b ) Before the Act , the courts had drawn a distinction between the occupancy duty and the activity duty .
26 Prior to the Act the courts had drawn a distinction between the occupancy duty , which was concerned with dangers due to the state of the premises , and the activity duty , which was concerned with the occupier 's activities on his premises .
27 The courts had set the sum he should pay for his child by his first marriage at seventeen pounds fifty .
28 Prior to 1932 the courts refused to allow the chain of contracts to be disturbed by tort actions .
29 After this the law became increasingly convoluted as the courts tried to escape the rigours of a rule which meant that the court had to make a finding in favour of one party or the other .
30 There is no doubt that in the 19th century the courts did consider the adequacy of consideration in restraint of trade cases , but more recently in M & S Drapers v Reynolds [ 1957 ] 1 WLR 9 Hodson LJ said " … although the position of the employee has to be considered , the court will not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration or weigh the advantages accruing to the covenantor under the contract against the disadvantages imposed on him by the restraint " .
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