Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] a few " in BNC.

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31 Well I I shall leave you to go through the questions for a few minutes .
32 The age of the organisation : many businesses and other organisations begin to grow through the efforts of a few individuals ( eg. owner-directors , or the founder of a political pressure group ) and tend to be highly centralised ( power culture ) .
33 Although the speculations of a few Italian statesmen about the African shores of the Mediterranean hinted at the patterns of future international rivalry , the powers for the most part displayed in 1880 an almost complete preoccupation with European interests and lack of sensitivity about the rest of the world .
34 Another map showed contour lines , the positions of a few prominent objects and the heights of one or two locations .
35 A homestead consists typically of a man and his wife ( or wives ) with their children , and in addition the families of a few other close patrilineal relatives .
36 We will know the details in a few weeks ’ time .
37 It is easy to estimate the worths of a few significant nodes : fa(N) fb(N)
38 It is always tempting to push on , but why not consider the pleasures of a few hours snoozing in the sun followed by a swift descent on hardening snow ?
39 The long wait was almost over and they expected to be greeting the passengers in a few minutes .
40 They mentioned the names of a few judges who they did not think highly of .
41 These days he had trouble recalling the troublesome fragments of his education he had bothered to memorize in the first place ; the names of a few acquaintances were jumbled together with old verb forms and things he thought were childhood haunts turned out to be places he had only just discovered .
42 There are exceptions , of course ; anyone can quote the names of a few specialists who have attained local or even national eminence .
43 I believe I can read the names of a few redundant colonial administrators .
44 And it is no defence of restrictive trade to argue , in effect , that it taxes the Top-40 masses to satisfy the cravings of a few sophisticates .
45 The fry remain in the streams for a few weeks , feeding on the flush of insects and crustaceans that appear in the warming waters .
46 The past year has been a rollercoaster one for the royals with a few highs followed by lots of depressing lows .
47 Something of the kind seems to have happened in the case of the European communist parties ; thus Santiago Carrillo ( 1977 ) , in the passage quoted earlier , says plainly that ‘ the political system established in Western Europe … is in essentials valid ’ , and this is far removed from the outlook of some earlier Marxists — and of the members of a few left-wing groupuscules even today — who talk about ‘ smashing the bourgeois state ’ .
48 I append the headings of a few subjects to which I have given some attention , and which I could write a readable article upon .
49 I say this in the context of a situation which should have your whole nation incensed ; because of a terrible insult which is to be perpetrated by the Westminster Government for a further 30 years in the interests of a few Englishmen .
50 He continued to hold her by the arms for a few seconds longer , studying her face .
51 There wo n't be anything substantial from the labs for a few hours yet .
52 He wants to talk about getting some of his poets to work on the Alps — he 's looking after one or two o the Romantics for a few months , while a colleague of his is sitting on a commission of inquiry .
53 This case began before my use of LM 's and I prescribed Lycopodium 6C three times daily which dealt with the symptoms within a few days .
54 ‘ I 'll go out to the fields for a few hours to try to work off some of this . ’
55 If the food you have given is not completely eaten , or if the water becomes cloudy , stop feeding the shrimps for a few days .
56 This means that the State helps the community in resisting the amassing of wealth in the hands of a few members , because of the disruptive implication of such a process .
57 Economic growth in Latin America has accumulated benefits in the hands of a few , rather than distributing them as predicted by the modernists .
58 ‘ It concentrates power in the hands of a few , necessitates a military-style secrecy and undermines the principles of human liberty .
59 The more power in Europe lay in the hands of a few strong States , the more a State system emerged in which the position of each was established through the recognition of the others .
60 The real power lay outside the House of Commons , in the hands of a few rich magnates and aristocratic landowners .
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