Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , the openings in companies ' legal departments are much fewer than in private practice ; and in any case you should not consider articles in commerce or industry unless you are keen to make this your career .
2 Heads and governors were not required to manage these two main influences although headteachers themselves were often directly involved in the committees and working parties which steered the programmes of teachers ' centres .
3 Nowhere else , however , are the meanings of residents ' assessments explained .
4 Sch 6 to the 1992 regulations sets out the information in respect of associated bodies that must be included in the notes to societies ' accounts .
5 He has opened an exhibition of twenty works on paper , executed in inks , coloured crayons and pastel , by Glenn Baxter ( to 22 January 1993 ) , the surreal humorist , formerly represented by Nigel Greenwood , who derives his style and characters from the illustrations of boys ' adventure books .
6 The judgment on what constitutes an emergency for the purpose of deviating from the rules on drivers ' hours merits close attention .
7 To achieve this we shall be drawing upon the products of archaeologists ' research mostly carried out during the present century .
8 The reasons for bankers ' reluctance have not been articulated .
9 It is often suggested that ‘ the members ’ as the beneficiaries of directors ' duties means ‘ the present and future members ’ .
10 It allows a salesperson to offset the strengths of competitors ' products , which may be mentioned by potential buyers , against their weaknesses .
11 When we look at the lists of saints ' resting-places in Anglo-Saxon England , when we see how saints ' remains were moved from the outer fringes to the heart of the West Saxon and Mercian kingdoms where they could do more good ( for example , St Oswald from Tynemouth to Gloucester , St Judoc from Cornwall to Winchester ) , when we watch Otto I move the body of St Maurice ( the soldier saint ) in state from Burgundy to Magdeburg to fight on his eastern frontier , we witness the deployment of heavenly troops on earth as if there were not the slightest difference between the two spheres .
12 Medical advances almost invariably increase the demands on doctors ' time , and it is this increased intensity of working that has made the long hours of many doctors intolerable .
13 The analysis carried out concentrated mainly on the relationships between undergraduates ' academic performance and their entry qualifications .
14 The riddles of babies ' first words have yet to be solved .
15 Glasgow design event based along the lines of Designers ' Saturday organised by a group of Glasgow designers and architects as part of the City 's Cultural celebrations .
16 I commend the Government 's handling of the pay review body and their general approach of marrying this policy , which will lead to higher pay for teachers , with a determined critique of the elements of teachers ' performance which need to be discussed and openly and rigorously criticised .
17 It was all very well for Bragg to instruct him to go the rounds of prostitutes ' haunts , but he had precious little idea of how to go about it .
18 In the 1860s , 1870s , and even in the 1880s , the pride of the ‘ old journalism ’ would be replete with leaders and the texts of politicians ' speeches .
19 Curing time nevertheless remains one of the barriers to composites ' mass production , even though , as Lotus 's Albert Adams is quick to point out , what comes out of a steel press is far from being a complete car body .
20 Several respondents to FRED 1 , in commenting on the statement of total recognised gains and losses , suggested that it should be extended to provide a complete reconciliation of the movements in shareholders ' funds .
21 The fact that there may indeed be real risks attached to opening up and talking from the heart is not in dispute , just as the limitations on teachers ' freedom are very real .
22 The foregoing analysis neglects the effects of firms ' other competitive variables such as product quality , product range and product differentiation .
23 The effects of observers ' values and predispositions on their perceptions , descriptions , and analyses of ethnographic reality is , of course , an issue that has long been a matter of explicit concern to anthropologists .
25 The research programme consists of a number of related sub-projects all of which are designed to expose the motives behind firms ' investment , employment , and where possible , hours and energy demand decisions .
26 Councillor Rodgers said , ‘ They are interfering with the democratic process in this by-election and seeking to buy political influence with what amounts to bribes ’ , and noted the offer was personally embarrassing for him as he negotiated as a union official with the companies over workers ' pay and conditions .
27 They are likely to be revised as the circumstances of mothers ' lives change through the 1990s .
28 This was no doubt a sign of wealth and status : the beautiful austerity of Biedermayer interiors had reflected the straitness of Germanic provincial bourgeois finances more than their innate taste , and the furnishings of servants ' rooms in the bourgeois houses were bleak enough .
29 One of the key points of the Children Act being that gone are the days of parents ' rights .
30 Throughout the fighting , the intelligence section had been searching houses and the German headquarters , and naval parties had boarded ships in similar searches — a dangerous task because several were killed as they rowed towards the quays in ships ' whalers .
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