Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Having identified the activities associated with the sub-systems , it was then possible to start considering what information was relevant to the performance of each activity .
2 Oslear , a one-time Grimsby stevedore , had privately put pressure on the International Cricket Council to confirm Lamb 's claim that the Pakistanis tampered with the ball during the one-day match at Lord 's nearly a month ago .
3 In fevers the chills predominate with the fever mostly in the day , red faced with cold hands .
4 Her hair , glowing like a brazier through the early-morning mist , her high boots and her cream-coloured quilted jacket with its exaggerated shoulders , had drawn his gaze as he sat impatiently in a line of cars while the pickets argued with the driver of an articulated wagon that was trying to enter the University .
5 Er , a fourth year of record profits , record er , sales , record margin , with the schools business thirty seven percent ahead of the previous year with our successful maths programme , aided and abetted by er , the business that produces the manipulatives to go with the maths programme .
6 Television watching should be selective , and you should try to discuss the programmes watched with the patient , or relate them to pictures and stories in books or magazines , so that some intellectual stimulus is involved .
7 Closer to the smoking fire , Blake could see that the colours of the flames varied with the different amounts of crushed rocks thrown on to the pyre .
8 The macroscopic pattern found in surgical specimens correlated with the radiological pattern in only 7 of 18 ( 38% ) of the low grade/mixed grade group and in 5 of 16 ( 31% ) of the patients in the high grade group ; the patterns correlated with the endoscopic findings in only 8 of 19 ( 42% ) of the low grade/mixed grade group and in 7 of 17 ( 41% ) of the high grade group .
9 Responsibility for the security and the upkeep of the estates rests with the Bendinat Estate Management .
10 Table III shows the results of the investigations performed with the frequency with which they added information in making a diagnosis in the cases of iron deficiency anaemia .
11 In the Fifties and Sixties Kelly spent time with Adrian Maeght and the artists associated with the publisher .
12 There continues to be heated disagreement between the state-owned company which runs Sellafield , British Nuclear Fuels ( BNF ) , and its critics , about the dangers associated with the plant .
13 Yet in most countries there is continuing concern about the number of patients who develop a hospital-acquired infection quite unrelated to the reason for their admission ; about the accidents which happen to patients while they are in hospital ; about the perennial danger of fire in hospitals ; and about the dangers associated with the use of prescribed drugs in hospital .
14 Leapor 's poems on rural landscape are among the earliest to register the conflicts associated with the enclosure movement .
15 That does not mean that the law should change with every passing fancy — crimes such as theft , fraud , murder , etc. will never become fashionable — but ‘ social ’ crimes such as publishing indecent or obscene material are dependent on society 's perception of what is or is not indecent or obscene at the time , and the legislation of one period may be inappropriate in another period of time , to the extent that resorting to the courts to deal with the matter may be quite inappropriate and ineffective .
16 The phosphates interacting with the B helix termini in the crystal structure correspond exactly to those whose ethylation most strongly interferes with complex formation in solution .
17 MI5 was particularly interested in the contacts made with the armed services , but the Security Service could find little sign of important influential support for Mosley in Parliament , even at the peak of the BUF growth in 1934 .
18 Among seven species of fruit pigeons in tropical Queensland , the diets of the birds change with the seasonal fruits , each species with a different suite of plant species .
19 In an interview in the Washington Post of Aug. 21 , Gerashchenko criticized the plans agreed with the IMF and said that some of the government 's statements sounded like a fairy tale .
20 The complexities lie with the processes of corporate restructuring .
21 % mand molar loss : numbers of empty alveolar spaces in the mandibles compared with the numbers of teeth that should be present , which is given by empty alveolar spaces plus molars still present .
22 ‘ To see a hundred men in a circle reduced to sobs in two minutes and hear the woods echoing with the sound was extraordinary . ’
23 The proposals conformed with the EPRDF 's commitment , as published in February 1991 , to " reorganize the administrative structure of the country on a new and democratic basis " in order " to give the nations … wide autonomy to administer their internal affairs on the basis of federation , confederation etc . " .
24 Many of the proposals dealt with the need to ensure that resources reached their intended destination and that they were augmented by the creation of new taxes on industrial and agricultural sectors .
25 Not only was there little difference in the reporting of the cases compared with the popular press , but also The Times had become attracted to sensational headlines .
26 Having been referred to the cases dealing with the issue of pay within article 119 , including Defrenne v Belgian State ( no 80/70 ) and Worringham v Lloyds Bank Ltd ( 1981 ICR 558 ) , there was no support for the submissions made on behalf of the employee .
27 The rules vary with the right in question .
28 Rainoldes apart , the transgressions associated with the boy players , be they actual or imagined , rendered the theatrical self-consciousness surrounding transvestism complex and shifting ; it provoked questions teasingly unanswerable : for example — and this is a question which remains intriguing for us today — which , or how many , of the several gender identities embodied in any one figure are in play at any one time ?
29 The technologies associated with the Green Revolution and shifts in agriculture from subsistence to commercial farming has profound effects upon different classes of the rural population in India .
30 Born in South Uist , she became and remains a most famous woman in Scottish history , epitomising forever the more acceptable of the romances associated with the Stuart cause .
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