Example sentences of "[art] [adj] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now the State has already got a problem because in the next century , it will have insufficient people at work to pay for old age pensions we already know Mr Portillo is doing a pension review and is looking about only targeting it to the needy at the bottom well that means a lot of people like you and me will miss out on State pensions .
2 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
3 Mistinguett was drawing huge crowds at the FoliesBergeres ; the great Bernhardt , though aged and ailing , was still as seductive as ever , dividing her time between the theatre and her hospital for the wounded at the Odéon ; at the Opéra Comique Manon was all the rage , and in May , when the Germans were hammering their way on to Côte 304 , there was a glittering film premiere of Salammbô and once again the Spring Flower Show was reinstated in all its pre-war glory .
4 Many academics and journalists who gave warning that liberalisation and the Congress Party culture were fattening the rich at the expense of the poor are understandably silent .
5 They have benefited the rich at the expense of the poor , and Britain in 1990 is a much more unequal society than it was in 1979 .
6 Opponents of the government argued that the objective as well as the consequence of the legislation was to increase the after-tax incomes of the rich at the expense of the poor .
7 As most average families are in the bottom 60 per cent. , does not that show that the Government have given money to the rich at the expense of ordinary families ?
8 The banding system and property valuations are devised deliberately to protect the rich at the expense of the rest .
9 The second problem that would have troubled the faithful at the death of the last apostle was this .
10 Please indicate your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by signing the enclosed duplicate copy in the space indicated and returning it to the undersigned at the letterhead address .
11 This was shortly before another concession had been granted — one more to the British at the expense of the Russians .
12 LORD ALDINGTON told a High Court jury yesterday he remembered making inquiries to ensure that thousands of Yugoslavs repatriated by the British at the end of the Second World War would be properly treated .
13 The actual Indian designs were not , however , to the taste of the British at the time , who had developed a somewhat different image of Oriental peoples .
14 None of this was known to the British at the time .
15 Contrary to assessments made by the British at the time of signing , there are many examples of these .
16 You did n't even wax lyrical about the incredibly romantic island we could see from the cliff-top at the cape .
17 The 48-year-old adventurer was due to start a 2,200-mile trek across the Antarctic at the weekend , but high winds cancelled his flight to the peninsula .
18 Analysis of air bubbles trapped in the ice of the Antarctic at the time of the last Ice Ages , and now buried deep beneath the surface , show that at that time CO 2 levels were extremely low .
19 a statement automatically produced by the breath analysis machine by which the proportion of alcohol in the breath specimen was measured and certificate signed by a constable that the statement relates to a specimen provided by the accused at the date and time shown in the statement , and
20 The crime is to disclose an official secret , probably even if extracted from the accused at the point of a pistol .
21 While the criticism that Lévi-Strauss , structuralism emphasizes the synchronic at the expense of the diachronic has assumed the status of a critical truism , this in fact repeats the substance of his critique of Sartre , namely that the latter attempted to transform history into a space of synchronicity .
22 Medicine was a particular interest of the Tughluk Sultans , and Sultan Muhammed 's nephew Firoz Shah founded no fewer than seventy dispensaries and a Shifa Khana ( or Central Hospital ) where free food , drink and medicine were supplied to the sick at the expense of the treasury .
23 The paused at the entrance to the long corridor .
24 So you , yes we , we 've got the end of feudalism , and then we , we 've got this promotion of the rich peasant economy , the promotion of inequalities but at the same time you might need to come in to protect the ri the poor at the bottom because you do n't want those inequalities to get too great .
25 Owen cursed and tried to wriggle his way round , failed and had to cut across in front of the donkeys laden with bread and water to give to the poor at the tomb .
26 In the old days they would be feeding the poor at the castle gate .
27 Firemen cut victims from the wreckage and a medical team from Dunfermline and West Fife Hospital treated the injured at the scene .
28 The consequence is that the nonsensical at the bottom disappears as utterly as the sense in works of art at the top .
29 I the , the disturbed at the way the English lads are speaking
30 Then that would sort of feed itself , but you had to have one man feeding the the scrapping machine and another man with a shovel , pulling away the the the the the the scrapped at the side and then you had to have another man feeding the long hay into the chaff cutter .
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