Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [verb] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is currently the practice of Customs to allow the vendor to deduct input tax attributable to a TOGC ( which is an " outside-the-scope " supply ) , it appears this practice might be changing in view of changes to s15(2) VAT Act 1983 and Reg 32 of the VAT ( General ) Regulations 1985 ; the changes are intended to put the right to deduct input tax in respect of certain outside-the-scope supplies onto a statutory footing .
2 The rich see population control as the best way of conserving their environmental well-being .
3 The old get pensions , the unemployed get unemployment benefit , and , as a final safety net , anyone whose income from whatever source falls below a certain minimum is entitled to supplementary benefit .
4 The first Labour government singularly failed to do anything about the level of unemployment , although it made it easier for the unemployed to obtain unemployment relief and extended benefit .
5 We shall see that an important feature of both the monetarist approach and our simple model is the so-called augmented Phillips curve .
6 The would-be lynch mob leader grabbed an arm and was shaken off .
7 The French invented factory skiing , along with all the checks and balances that implies .
8 While I finish my mug of tea , Jamie loses his pound on the old fashioned pinball table .
9 I suppose the old fashioned male view of women in society is that they should actually be in the home — that 's their place .
10 back to the old fashioned police technique .
11 Organize your accounts in time for the Budget and Money Smith For Windows — ideal for both business and home use ; create your own friendly front-end with the easy to use 3D Menu , and then step into Phantasm for a slice of virtual reality !
12 The easy to follow tariff chart at the back of this leaflet will help ensure that your international mail carries the correct postage .
13 In his final act as President , George Bush declares trade war on Japan over chip imports , and warns the Japanese to remember Pearl Harbor .
14 On 7 December 1941 , the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour and America entered the now global war .
15 He knows that I have often thought that the exceptional needs payment scheme was complex , slow and did not often reach those most in need .
16 Right : the 1.4-litre carburetted CVH engine in the GLX is quieter and smoother than any in the 1.6 range .
17 The presence of antibody to the human derived epitope GOR has been reported to be associated with chronic hepatitis C virus infection .
18 Alongside the CCPR there was the National Playing Fields Association formed in 1925 to increase urban playing space ; there was also some limited provision of physical training facilities for the unemployed in the 1930s by the National Council for Social Service .
19 Christopher Laing , Immediate Past President of the CIOB , has been elected as Chairman of the National Playing Fields Association [ NPFA ] , the charity of recreational space .
20 Local and national sports bodies have also objected on the grounds that the scheme would take away open space that could be used as a public sports field for a town which the National Playing Fields Association says has a shortage of open space .
21 Like pot-bellied Vietnamese pigs , the goats are fast becoming trendy pets , changing hands at up to $1,000 a time and catered for by groups like the International Fainting Goat Association ( newsletter : Fall in Love With Fainters ) and the Tennessee Fainting Goat Association .
22 Its significance then was not underestimated , meriting copious coverage in the local public prints and a handsome report with pictures in the eminent Illustrated London News .
23 Martin had been one of the post-war most-likely-to-succeed Oxbridge brigade .
24 While Gordon drifted through the Blackburn rave scene at the end of the last year , witnessing some of the heavy handed police behaviour .
25 While Gordon drifted through the Blackburn rave scene at the end of the last year , witnessing some of the heavy handed police behaviour .
26 His best-remembered gift was the impressive domed Ashton memorial built on a site dominating Lancaster .
27 This is in spite of a poor start , in which the Irish based Eglinton Oil and Gas performed unpredictably .
28 State governments have been closing these hospital based services to help save money on their capped budgets , on the assumption that patients will be able to obtain such services in the community , funded by the open ended Medicare budget from the federal government .
29 The special needs allowance package is a grant which will be available to housing associations and co-operatives to help finance some of the additional costs needed to provide support accommodation .
30 One till three as well the Special Needs Support Group are meeting at Ilkeston Health Centre and they offer mutual support and understanding to those parents who have children with special needs .
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