Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
2 In determining what constitutes a reasonable prospect it is to be assumed that the prospect given by the facts and other matters known to the creditor at the time he entered into the transaction resulting in the debt was a reasonable prospect ( s 271(4) ) .
3 He had expected the sack at the time , but strangely enough he had had more than his share of work from that day on .
4 He had swum against the tide at a time when schools to which specific counsellor appointments had previously been made had used a counsellor 's vacancy , at a time of teaching staff reductions , for other purposes .
5 Bruce Dern said Corman did him and Nicholson a favour by getting them a part because they both needed the money at the time ; Corman arranged it so that their shooting schedules would require them to be available for the first and last weeks of the four-week stint , thus , under union rules guaranteeing them a salary cheque for the full four weeks .
6 Though the case is complex and the minister has joined the Anglican communion , the elements of the case at the time are quite significant .
7 The most up-to-date figures present a less black picture than was thought to be the case at the time .
8 In Gundovald 's description of his conversations with Guntram Boso , as set out by Gregory of Tours , Boso is reported to have said that Chilperic was dead ( which was not the case at the time ) , that Guntram was childless , and that Childebert had no support .
9 Indeed , many observers would argue that given the growth of cabinet government , the potential for government to seek and receive such powers is significantly greater now than was the case at the time when Dicey was writing .
10 L2 held the reversion at the time of the breach and therefore was liable , under section 142 , for any breach of the landlord 's covenant occurring at that time .
11 Only a single user can access the computer at a time , and he has to write , debug , and run his programs in the most basic computer-oriented form .
12 The president of the RICS at the time filed evidence about his practice for dealing with the very large number of applications for appointments of rent review experts and arbitrators ( 7,664 in 1985 : but see 10.5.3 above14,550 in 1990 ) .
13 The LTTE for its part blamed government forces , saying that the killings were " meticulously planned and executed , and blamed on the LTTE at a time when the Sri Lankan government is trying to purchase weapons from Middle Eastern Moslem countries " ( a reference to a visit made by Ranjan Wijeratne , Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , to Iran , Libya and Egypt in early August ) .
14 If they become ascertained only after the contract was made , the contract at the time of its creation was for sale of unascertained goods .
15 Under SOGIT 1973 , the test of reasonableness was to be applied taking account of all the circumstances including those which occurred after the making of the contract , whereas , under UCTA 1977 , the test is to be applied to the terms of the contract at the time of contracting .
16 The chairman at the time , Graham Leonard , was later to become the Bishop of London .
17 I agreed with the decision at the time , though since we have n't managed to identify him I 'm beginning to wonder if it was right .
18 After issue they can be traded ( they are thus ‘ securities ’ ) and so the holder at the time of redemption need not be the person to whom the bill was originally issued .
19 Indeed , as we saw in Chapter 3 , sections 17 and 18 of the Sale of Goods Act expressly recognise that property passes to the buyer at the time the parties intend it to .
20 However , since no interest in the goods passes to the buyer at the time of the contract this will be an agreement to sell .
21 This does not apply if the parties agree that the vehicle is not to be used in the condition in which it is when sold , and a document to this effect is signed by them and given to the buyer at the time of delivery .
22 Oldfield 's initial deal had been a fair reflection of the market-place at the time .
23 By limited liability the state is encouraging management to use shareholder funds in more risky ventures than they would otherwise undertake , and then pass on the liability at a time for forced liquidation , to third parties .
24 Maybe it was the opposite at the time .
25 Authorised is important because there was a famous case of an insurance company turning down a claim for a fitted kitchen damaged by fire when they discovered that a motorbike was in the kitchen at the time .
26 You were lucky to be in the kitchen at the time . ’
27 The vast majority of heroin users were daily users of the drug at the time of contact with these agencies : 208 out of 215 known to the Drugs Council , 166 out of 171 known to GPs , and all 242 known to the Detoxification Unit .
28 Nineteen of the patients had been treated with zidovudine , and 17 were on the drug at the time of diagnosis ; two patients were taking dideoxyinosine .
29 I am indebted to husband John for pushing me into the purchase at a time I obviously needed the machine but was not very full of vim and zip to get it and learn it .
30 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
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