Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] by [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The centre-piece of his plan was the Banqueting House , which would be opened up to the park by demolishing the Horse Guards .
2 Resuspend the cells in the remainder by flicking the tube so that a thin film of suspension adheres to the wall of the tube .
3 It drew upon a general concern to reduce the working day ; then , with renewed confidence , attempts were made to extend the struggle by forcing a closed shop .
4 Each escalation perpetuates the struggle by forcing the other side to match or overtake the enemy 's latest threat .
5 Great credit is due to all sections of the company which contribute to the retail operation and we will be striving very hard to retain the award by offering the retailer unbeatable service .
6 Once the rig is raised and your hands are on the mast you can turn the board by inclining the rig to either end of the board .
7 Material may also be transferred to the board by making a pattern of the diagram of the required size on paper .
8 At first , place your foot in position with very little weight on it ; then , when your decide to begin the turn , swing your body weight across the board by bending the knees so that more and more weight is borne on the back foot .
9 Practice partner uses set sentence ( at normal speed of course ) : ‘ What do people mean when they say … ? ’ and finishes the sentence by including the key word .
10 Choose the tack which takes you most directly offshore and when you 're clear , and only then , it 's time to worry about the technique by getting the daggerboard the rest of the way down and sailing efficiently .
11 ‘ I developed the pin curl looks about two years ago and have since changed the technique by dressing the hair more with back-combing and pinning it up for a more avant-garde finish .
12 Advice on other matters may also be prudent in order to protect the drafter by discharging the duty of care he/she owes to the client .
13 The paper hears that $130m in loans has to be repaid by the former MAI Basic Four Inc by mid-month and that the company is trying to raise the money by selling the profitable German subsidiary MAI Deutschland GmbH in Frankfurt .
14 If you do not like the effect of undoing , you can even ‘ undo ’ the undoing by repeating the command .
15 What is proposed is to give effect to the privilege by removing the ground for apprehending danger .
16 His response to the captain 's surprised question , 'so you came to Czechoslovakia to go to the football match , Professor ? " ( p. 71 ) is , initially , to violate the maxim of quality ( " Certainly not " ) and then to imply that this is not entirely the case by violating the maxims of quantity and relevance when he provides three excuses for not attending all the sessions of the Colloquium instead of admitting the truth .
17 The point of law was never decided , since leading counsel for Mrs Whitehouse withdrew the prosecution and the Attorney General then terminated the case by invoking the nolle prosequi procedure , leaving each side claiming victory .
18 Working with Dr Graham Lennox , Prof Mayer made his discovery through a test to highlight the damage by studying the action of a protein called ubiquitin , which is produced to label damaged cell components so they can be carted away for disposal .
19 Suggestions that he could avoid the damage by protecting the wheat fields with electric fencing do not impress Mr Berry .
20 If the text is shorter than the width of the block reduce the width to that of the text by dragging the handles in before you copy the text .
21 The impulse here had been to establish as securely as possible the stability of the field by identifying an essential and continuous Englishness which was equally present in such disparate forms as Anglo-Saxon poetry and the modern novel .
22 The attempt to overturn the ban by introducing a system of managed quotas for commercial whaling , led by Norway and Japan , was defeated by 18 votes to six , with six abstentions .
23 One group of speculators thus thwarted overcome the ban by staging an elaborate funeral , complete with coffin ( in which lay all the requisite plans and papers ) and mourners .
24 Car drivers are banned from using their cars in the capital one day each week — although many have circumvented the ban by purchasing a second car .
25 Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin stands at the edge of a relatively small , distinctive subset of irreverent fabliaux , fabliaux which powerfully exploit the inherent realism of the genre by reducing the characters and setting of the Christian heaven to a comically mundane and very human level : Heaven and Hell become just two alternatives amongst the familiar loci of the fabliaux .
26 When A posts the offer to B he impliedly authorises B to conclude the contract by posting a letter of acceptance , but only on the assumption that the acceptance is properly addressed ; if it is not , there is no acceptance even though the Post Office cleverly delivers it on time .
27 A group income election is flexible in that it is possible for a dividend to be paid outside the election by informing the Collector of Taxes ( s 247(3) ) .
28 One party to the reference can not challenge the decision by revoking the authority of the expert without the consent of the other party : the purported revocation would be a repudiation of the agreement to refer .
29 It can be proved that he was the holder by examining the trade licence itself for the defendant 's name , by an admission from the defendant and by checking with the issuing authority .
30 This land did not belong to the Ikhwan , but perhaps the secretary thought to confer an aura of legitimacy on the grant by getting the consent of the erstwhile administrators of it .
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