Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] at the side " in BNC.

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1 Alexei still had the pole of the lantern in one hand , and now he forced it through the rail at the side of the bridge , then stripped off his coat and draped it artistically , crowning the lantern with his fur hat .
2 Yes , Thérèse , just like the statue at the side of your bed .
3 Draw a number line to read in equal spaces from unc The building at the side of this page has an elevator which carries people up or down to save them from climbing the stairs .
4 The building at the side of this page has an elevator which carries people up or down to save them from climbing the stairs .
5 He would redden suddenly , for no apparent reason , and chew the skin at the side of his thumb-nail .
6 He sat by his mother 's bed , biting the skin at the side of his nails , and thought that of all the grudges you bear , the grudges you bear against your parents are the ones you live with always — you can not fight them any more than you can fight heat or cold or some virulent infection in the blood .
7 His other hand flattened against the trunk at the side of her head and he stared down at her , his eyes brilliant with the anger sparking in their depths , his mouth firm , only inches away from her own .
8 In the undergrowth at the side of the road something moved — a wild pig maybe , Jehan thought , although game this close to the city was unusual .
9 Corbett settled his horse as it fidgeted nervously at the rustling of some animal in the undergrowth at the side of the track .
10 8 The agent at the side has forgotten his code number .
11 He then removed the window and put it in the new hole and started to fill in the gap at the sides with cement .
12 Also , do remember to trim the edges of the card at the sides where the cards are clipped together .
13 He raised his hand to the cut at the side of her eye , the black and yellow bruise there .
14 We are the two boys shown in the photograph and because of us being the only boys who took part we were saddened to see the caption at the side of the picture .
15 We are the two boys shown in the photograph and because of us being the only boys who took part we were saddened to see the caption at the side of the picture .
16 eleven 125W warm white fluorescent tubes set in the ceiling at the sides of the room ;
17 eleven 125W warm white fluorescent tubes set in the ceiling at the sides of the room ;
18 The girls , as in her mind she thought of the Misses Cardings , had trimmed it with a deep tone of lime-green velvet ribbon and in the heart of the bow at the side they had placed two tiny red silk rosebuds .
19 And I saw a hole in the bottom at the side of it where they had blasted a hole in it in order to sink it .
20 The wheel he had mounted on a bit of rod from Stewart 's smithy still turned freely in the burn at the side of the kail-yard .
21 Tony sat quite still for a few moments and then parked his car on the wasteland at the side of the theatre .
22 On the head they wore a hard hat with a high crown , or a billy cock with a pheasant 's or woodcock 's feather tucked into the band at the side .
23 But the shed at the side of the road had been unlocked , and when he peered into it the outline of the covered carriage he had been able to make out in the darkness promised adequate protection and a degree of comfort .
24 Your partner holds the pad at the side of the shin of the flexed leg .
25 He ran through the hall , the mockery of Havvie Blaine 's party following him as he dashed out of the main doorway — no sign of her there — and then back down the alley at the side — and still no Sally-Anne .
26 As I drew nearer I noticed that half of the roof had gone and there was a large gaping hole in the wall at the side of the cottage .
27 They turned away and she walked up the street , past the baker 's , past the shoemaker 's , and the hat shop , and she rang the bell that was attached to the wall at the side of the door leading into the sweet shop .
28 If the lavatory is too low for an elderly person , a raised polypropylene toilet seat which fits over it , but is easy to remove and to wash , can be very useful , and a chromium-plated hand-grip fixed very securely to the wall at the side of the lavatory can also be helpful .
29 They described it as Maiwa , " the wall at the side of the world , four moons " sail to the eastward … a land which stretches to the north and to the south without end … beyond the furthest eastward island it lies — a wall of mountains up against the sun " .
30 As the arch will lower the height of the opening at the sides , you 'll be limited to a style which allows you to walk under it freely if that height is quite low .
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