Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 RIGHT Dogs may be less enthusiastic to perform where they are on the leash but this gives you the opportunity to guide them to the appropriate spot .
2 Those guests who will give us the opportunity to welcome them to our hotels for many years to come .
3 Police spokesman Martin Wallwork said : ‘ In police stations civilians will do the duties of officers who man the front desk giving us the opportunity to redeploy them on the streets . ’
4 High Court medical negligence actions are governed by Ord 38 , r5 which requires the party intending to produce plans , photographs or models at trial to give the other side the opportunity to inspect them at least 10 days before the hearing unless the court for " special reasons " orders otherwise .
5 No , the the well some of them are , those particular ones some of them are joined but they are to all intents and purposes separate in that they can be er , rented out separately they 're not tied to the house erm in that they are they go with it but the housing department have the opportunity to rent them to whoever applies for them .
6 They also included the operation of ‘ stand down , ’ by which the airline retained scarce skills by allowing people to work elsewhere on part pay but having the opportunity to recall them at a month 's notice .
7 It is understood therefore , that , as part of the pupil 's exploration of aspects of religion and morality , he/she will have access to these five main elements of the Mysteries of the Faith , and the opportunity to relate them to the particular issue/topic being explored .
8 They might be different if he had the opportunity to change them after each stage of the count .
9 When pupils do refer to dictionaries , take the opportunity to introduce them to various aspects of their use .
10 The Court of Appeal stated that the Board did have a duty to act fairly which entailed granting B and K the opportunity to satisfy them of matters in the statute , and to let B and K know the impressions of the Board so that they might be dispelled ; but the Board did not have to quote ‘ chapter and verse , ’ nor did it have to disclose the source of its information if it would be contrary to the public interest , nor did the reasons for the refusal have to be given .
11 With the increasing number of cutters and the decision to operate them on an all year round basis the closed shop tendency for crewing of the earlier days could not continue .
12 The centre-right Popular Action ( AP ) party , led by former President Fernando Belaúnde Terry ( 1980-1985 ) , which rejected Fujimori 's new date for municipal elections , now set for Jan. 29 , 1993 , and stated that " more than 17 political parties " demanded that he reverse the decision to postpone them from November 1992 [ see p. 38959 ] .
13 The taxi dropped off one of the passengers , and the offenders instructed the driver to take them to a farm club , and then asked him to turn down a farm track .
14 After telling the driver to take them to the marina , he climbed in beside her .
15 This is not the first time you have ventured comments without the necessity to drag them from you . ’
16 What is new , according to DEC consultant engineer Lawrence Stewart , is that hardware now has the horse-power to drive them in real time .
17 What is new , according to DEC consultant engineer Lawrence Stewart , is that hardware now has the horse-power to drive them in real time .
18 The Buid resent the use of the term and the attempt to place them in the moral as well as material debt of the lowlanders .
19 The cod , he reported , were so thick in the water that his sailors had only to lower their baskets over the side to fill them with fish .
20 Apart from injuries manager Jack Charlton insists he wo n't leave key players out of the side to safeguard them from possible suspension .
21 Where there is nothing to show that the parties have used language in any other than its strict and ordinary sense , and where the words interpreted in that sense are sensible with reference to extrinsic circumstances , it is an inflexible rule of construction that the words shall be interpreted in that strict and primary sense even though they may be capable of some popular or secondary interpretation and even though the most conclusive evidence of the intention to use them in such popular sense is tendered ( Enlayde Ltd v Roberts [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 109 : obligation to reinstate property destroyed by fire included an obligation to reinstate where the destruction was caused by incendiary bombs ) .
22 But when they reached the dock and were waiting for the boat to carry them to the camp , Seth snatched the van 's keys , nearly breaking two of Suzy 's fingers in the struggle .
23 When they had fruitlessly exhausted their task , Myeloski called the caretaker to guide them round the rest of the palace .
24 Indeed , political argument , policy-making and economic analysis were suffused with an increasing flow of statistical data which in range and scale was quite unlike anything which had been experienced before : to such a degree that by the end of the period under review the rate at which data were being generated exceeded , probably by a wide margin , the capacity to apply them in practical economic action .
25 The shame of it is we have the capacity to provide them with that peace but we 've decided it is n't worth it . ’
26 The gypsies themselves are puzzled by the apparant determination of the council to evict them from a site well away from public view .
27 When these aspects of Nonconformity , its inherent political bias and its identification with Victorian values , led ministers into the political arena , it was not surprising that critics complained : ‘ The men whom the churches care to hear … are the men who speak most loudly upon the current political topics , and who … ‘ play to the gallery ’ and , echoing the gallery 's political watchwords , rouse the gallery to re-echo them in its turn . ’
28 Virginia Bottomley , Minister for Health , has announced that some people on low incomes who also find it difficult to visit their local opticians will be able to get help from the NHS to pay for the optician to visit them at home .
29 After designs had been agreed , the work of fitting out the brake vans was undertaken at Wolverton and the vans returned to traffic , pending requirements , the stretcher brackets stored on the vehicle to enable them to be fitted at short notice .
30 ‘ They should change the law to include them with dogs like pit bulls which have to wear a muzzle .
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