Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb base] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 They assemble initially in their own chamber from where they are eventually summoned by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to attend at the Bar of the House of Lords where a Commission for the Opening of Parliament is read , usually by the Lord Chancellor , on behalf of the monarch .
2 The reason for this is that a window provides light only on one side ; the other three sides and the top consist of the walls of the room and its ceiling , and the loss of available light is considerable .
3 The electronics inside the pistol consist of a light detector or photo-diode and a small amplifier and buffer .
4 The Government remain of the view that the educational establishments are well placed to assess the financial needs and priorities of their students .
5 The artefact Find of the Month competition was won by Dave Cummings with his cast bronze arrow head c1000 BC .
6 Popular psychological accounts in the press tell of a child who was beaten by his step-father and who turned into a self- important , paranoid and sadistic adult .
7 Thus , a consideration of earlier work on DMVs has led us to the conclusion that the settlement patterns we actually see on the maps and in the landscape consist of a range of settlements , at various stages of development at all periods ; everything , in fact , from surviving medieval villages to totally abandoned farm sites .
8 As a recipient of the Delfina Trust Award , Anne-Marie Creamer has worked at Delfina Studios in Stratford , East London , since graduating in 1990 from the painting depart of the Royal College of Art .
9 And smell renews the salt savour of the sandy earth
10 The responses from the task consist of a textual name for the response and a state which selecting that response would cause .
11 More than 600 people a day die of a heart attack in the UK and many lives are lost because no-one knows what to do in an emergency .
12 Joan spoke breathlessly , tremulously — like one who sees a childhood tale given substance , a fairytale come of a sudden to life .
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