Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 They reach the further boundaries of the solid in a time which is probably between a ten-thousandth and a hundred-thousandth of a second and are reflected back , as a kind of echo , very little attenuated or diminished in intensity .
2 He had swum against the tide at a time when schools to which specific counsellor appointments had previously been made had used a counsellor 's vacancy , at a time of teaching staff reductions , for other purposes .
3 Only a single user can access the computer at a time , and he has to write , debug , and run his programs in the most basic computer-oriented form .
4 The LTTE for its part blamed government forces , saying that the killings were " meticulously planned and executed , and blamed on the LTTE at a time when the Sri Lankan government is trying to purchase weapons from Middle Eastern Moslem countries " ( a reference to a visit made by Ranjan Wijeratne , Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , to Iran , Libya and Egypt in early August ) .
5 By limited liability the state is encouraging management to use shareholder funds in more risky ventures than they would otherwise undertake , and then pass on the liability at a time for forced liquidation , to third parties .
6 I am indebted to husband John for pushing me into the purchase at a time I obviously needed the machine but was not very full of vim and zip to get it and learn it .
7 These shared residential houses for single elderly persons provide an important new welfare resource for the Association at a time when increasing numbers of those who served in World War II , and their dependents , are reaching an age when they need the support of a housekeeper .
8 According to the SEP light will travel at a velocity c in any direction in the frame of the capsule , so that light will reach the roof after a time Δr/c .
9 These are old , and they were made in the mind at a time of great fear .
10 Despite the entry for a time of media conglomerates such as the Mirror Group and Thomsons into the West African press , I think it is still fair to say that the primary motivation for producing a newspaper in Nigeria is political rather than commercial .
11 US intelligence sources , who revealed the deal at a time which coincided with a visit to the USA by Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir ( see p. 36599 ) , alleged that Libyan pilots were receiving training in the Soviet Union to fly the planes and that a Libyan Il-76 transport plane was being converted into a refuelling tanker .
12 ‘ Professor Summerfield , you should never underestimate the guile of a Time Lord .
13 It was an appealing idea because it at least seemed to offer some sort of progression to the work at a time when there was little or nothing written about coherent development in drama .
14 But what of the farmers expected to carry out the work in a time of recession .
15 He trained as a safety officer with ICI before joining the council at a time when the Health and Safety at Work Act greatly uncreased the duties of local authorities .
16 This encouraged the transfer at a time when the son was still willing and able to make some changes to the farm .
17 On Sept. 11 Farouk Qaddumi , head of the political department of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , advised everyone concerned to be " patient and reflective " in dealing with the transfer at a time of crisis in Arab relations , in order to avoid " the expected negative consequences " resulting from the Cairo decision .
18 They included , roughly speaking , the earth 's London face being away from the sun for a time , the absence of any light source like that of the sun , in the right place at the right time , and conditions having to do with the behaviour of light .
19 I decided to take a lot of the fruit , and to put it to dry in the sun for a time .
20 This would help to protect the dollar at a time when the United States was experiencing balance of payments problems .
21 This might have shored up the dollar for a time had the US balance of payments improved as expected .
22 Next you have to decide when to enter the date and time information — do you want to use the spreadsheet like a time clock where you record what you are doing at the time you do it or will you use it to maintain a post-hoc record and enter dates and times in batches .
23 The suffering and self-conscious first-person singular manifested in Dyer could be considered a creation of the Gothic novel that came after him , and Dyer can also bring to mind the magus of a time before .
24 Hilton describes the story of man before the Fall as a time when reason was clear and bright , love directed only towards the goodness of God and man 's potential fulfilled as his soul " whilk may be called a made trinite was fulfilled in mynde and loue of vnmade blissed trinite whilk is oure lord " ( 43a.314. – 114 ) .
25 The bars here are unique in that unlike the rest of ‘ puritan ’ Germany , they only close for an hour a day to let the cleaners in ( many bars even pour drink through a loophole by cleaning half the bar at a time — prost ! )
26 Hence , the Act 's ‘ The offeree 's giving , within the time allowed under this section , notice of cancellation of the agreement to the offeror at a time when the agreement has been entered into shall have the effect of cancelling the agreement' , becomes ‘ An agreement is cancelled if the customer gives the seller notice of cancellation within the time this section allows ’ .
27 We know that Wilson married , for his wife Mary helped him and continued the business for a time after his death , but nothing is known of her origins or ultimate fate .
28 It seems likely that it involved the utilisation of the X-rays emitted by the fission bomb trigger to propagate the explosion throughout the charge of thermonuclear fuel ; travelling at the speed of light they could initiate the fusion reaction in all parts of the charge in a time much less than could be achieved by shock waves ( travelling at perhaps 104m/s ) , so that a substantial degree of reaction Could occur before the material was dispersed by the explosion ( New Scientist , 2 September , 1982 , p641 ) .
29 They existed in significant numbers in the town at a time when there was restiveness amongst some antislavery people at the growing identification of antislavery with political liberalism and the demands of religious dissent .
30 Traditionally , literary criticism — which generally has supported the conservative idea of the period as a time of disruption and rebellion has made out a case for the poem 's balanced quality in praising both Cromwell and Charles I. Marvell may have later been an employee of Cromwell 's Latin Secretariat , but his poem shows an independent impartiality which avoids political commitment .
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