Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 But Tornado fighter bombers from Saudi Arabia and linked helicopters from the warships will provide the majority of the defence against attack from the air and the sea .
2 The first , the response of faith from a child , would be identified in private consultation involving minister , parents and child .
3 In a case like this , it 's clear that an extremely viscous , semi-solid lava is being slowly and continuously forced upwards through the vent ; as it does so , it cools , and thus the dome grows effectively by the addition of material from within .
4 The term " fibre " refers to the parts of our food that are indigestible by the human digestive tract and go to form the majority of waste from the gut .
5 When Glóin describes the dwarves ' urge to revisit Moria we can not be sure whether this is the prompting of Sauron from outside or dwarvish greed and ambition from inside .
6 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
7 Some were travelling direct from Cowes , most were arriving from London by railway express , and the remainder by carriage from their country houses .
8 The diets are similar in so far as they both exclude a great deal of fat , thereby maximising the reduction of fat from our body .
9 ‘ Refinement ’ or the reduction of competition from non-usable species , often leads to a considerable increase in the area occupied by the crop , so that once this is cut , there are lots of gaps for pioneers .
10 The reduction of mortality from both stroke and ischaemic heart disease are characteristic of much of the developed world .
11 This is mainly due to the reduction in evaporation from foliage and soil afforded by the sheltering effect of the fleece from the drying winds which in these times of drought and hosepipe bans has become a major concern with many gardeners .
12 The reduction in penalty from the theoretically available life to three years will mean that prosecuting policy will have to be revised in these types of affray , and that prosecutions will have to be brought either for riot or violent disorder , or for offences contrary to the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 , sections 18 , 20 and 47 .
13 The reduction in fertility from the mid 1960s peak has led to a decrease in the average size of family households , with a very marked drop in the number of very large households .
14 The reduction in VAT from 22 p.c. to 18.6 p.c. from next Monday will bring car prices down by about 2.8 p.c .
15 The ice was beginning to melt , and she could hear the drip of water from her ice-cold slit on to the ground .
16 The conventional wisdom is that the biggest effects are produced after the veil of material from an eruption ( called a ‘ dust veil ’ , although suspended droplets of liquids such as sulphuric acid may be just important as solid particles ) has spread around the hemisphere and is blocking the Sun 's radiation more or less uniformly .
17 Tees available mainly in 92½° and 135° Tees are usually swept and should be fitted so that the sweep goes with the direction of flow from the branch into the main pipe .
18 Next , the dice could be used to determine the direction of flow from the source cell .
19 The source coordinates of the stream are found by generating two random whole numbers in the range 1–30 and the direction of movement from one cell to the next is found by generating another random number which can take on one of the values 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 .
20 Promoting a policy of minimal segregation does not , however , preclude the provision of protection from abuse and harm .
21 The home 's most basic function is the provision of shelter from the social and physical environment .
22 As with care within the household , the provision of care from outside can be a formidable task .
23 We see the provision of information from Visitor Centres at all of our sites as being one of the most significant ways in which we can make the information resources of the Garden available to the maximum number of people at reasonable cost .
24 A third was the rapid fall in the numbers of boarded farm servants , and a fourth the very high seasonal reduction in the demand for labour associated with wheat growing , even where the change to cereal from mixed or pastoral farming was not associated with recent enclosure .
25 For example , the change of land-use from moorland to coniferous plantations in British uplands has affected soils and soil processes as well as the quality and quantity of water yield .
26 The biggest event in recent months has been full sectorisation and the change of name from Provincial to Regional Railways .
27 The Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) held on Dec. 14-16 what it described as its 40th congress , and the second since the change of name from Bulgarian Communist Party in April 1990 .
28 WITHOUT a doubt the most difficult move in golf is the change of direction from backswing to forward swing .
29 Earlier , the change of emphasis from a ‘ social ’ to an ‘ economic and environmental ’ focus had been reflected in a switch of responsibility for the Programme from the Home Office to the Department of the Environment .
30 Naturally the glorious weather was a talking point with the General : he might be forgiven for thinking the Micks were a bit blasé about the temperature and the change of scene from London ceremonial duties .
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