Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] have been one " in BNC.

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1 If the case had been one of estoppel , it might be said that in any event the estoppel would cease when the conditions to which the representation applied came to an end , or it also might be said that it would only come to an end on notice .
2 The college had been one of the last to open its doors to women students , and she could see why .
3 ( c ) First registration of title Generally , an application for first registration of title , even when the land is in a compulsory area , will not be required unless the conveyance has been one of sale of the whole of the property ( Land Registration Act 1925 , s123 ) .
4 And the reaction has been one of slight stuttering , saying ‘ Er , erm , … well …
5 At home , as she still thought of it , the evening had been one of shared companionship and merrymaking but here , once joined by the family , the workers were subdued , their voices muted .
6 The period has been one of unprecedented intellectual progress …
7 The original model of the place had been one of an unintrusive liberal Christianity , and the first Principal was Sir Walter Moberly — a don and Vice-Chancellor who came from one of the great dynasties of bishops , scholars , and headmasters ( of Public Schools , of course ) .
8 Clearly cancelling the preview had been one option the producers had discussed .
9 The Escort has been one of Britain 's top-sellers for many years and having tested various examples of the latest in the range I have to give a curate 's egg verdict .
10 From the Wash in the east to the Dee in the west , as far north as York , to Amesbury in the south , the night had been one of monstrous destruction .
11 The feeling in the backswing has been one of turning the back to the target , and hopefully with a feeling that the right hand is going to generate power through impact .
12 On Europe the pattern has been one of resistance to proposals but , in the end , accepting compromise .
13 By contrast , in Britain the pattern has been one of small disruptive strikes — often over job demarcation or manning levels — which have had serious long-term effects on output quality , delivery dates and labour costs , leading to a corrosive loss of markets both at home and abroad [ Phelps Brown , 1977 ] .
14 Earlier the physical journey of the pilgrimage had been one of the chief disciplines by means of which the Cluniacs had managed to reshape the consciousness of Europe .
15 The Ukranian had been one of United 's most inventive players in a dour struggle made even more frustrating by Southampton 's bruising march towards a Football Association hearing .
16 From its earliest beginnings , the Garden has been one of the central features in Scotland 's scientific history .
17 The century had been one of tremendous change and older views , like the emphasis on individualism , were being modified and in some cases challenged by the closing decades of the century .
18 Chairman Robin Bellis said the year had been one of development and growth for the club .
19 When one refers to something already mentioned : The year had been one of great political unrest .
20 The year has been one of change , of achievement , and of challenge .
21 Charles admired the skill with which the old pro conveyed an air of ease and relaxation , of the company having been one happy family , of the great fun he had had rehearsing for the show .
22 President Howard Smith maintains the problem has been one of long sales cycles by large accounts considering bulk purchases of up to two or three thousand units rather than the impulse buying originally anticipated by Clarity 's business plan .
23 Since the late nineteenth century , the problem has been one of a surplus of labour .
24 The problem has been one of acceptability , and that may be a reflection of the practical rather than the academic nature of police surgeons ' work .
25 The audition had been one thing , the work–g through the part another — which is something it seems very hard for the audition process to make proper allowance for .
26 The mountain has been one of the highest tackled by Scottish Nuclear so far , but the day is approaching when the blue flag with the diamond logo will flutter from the summit . ’
27 Every one of the scores of abandoned Trabants and Wartburgs which clog the streets around the embassy has been one of the most cherished possessions in its owner 's life .
28 Holding a referendum had been one of the conditions demanded by the European Communities ( EC ) before it would consider diplomatic recognition of an independent Bosnia-Hercegovina [ see pp. 38703-04 ] .
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