Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Given the opportunity not to be continually wrapped in a nappy a 1-year-old child will show a lot of interest in urination and indicate what has happened .
2 If you have embarked on this decision , entertaining friends at home may became increasingly difficult too , for your parent may look forward always to being present on these occasions , without realising for one moment that her daughter needs the opportunity sometimes to be able to relate to her friends alone , so that she can project her personality freely and share confidences and opinions with people of her own generation .
3 Kim 's parents Carol and Denis Brockwell from Waterstock in Oxfordshire each took the stand briefly to be questioned by the judge .
4 1773 " To be levied for finishing the Church yeard Dyke of Kilchoman and the Remainder thereof to be applied towards building the Church yeard Dyke of Kildalton with future collections , till the same be Completed . "
5 1773 " To be levied for finishing the Church yeard Dyke of Kilchoman and the Remainder thereof to be applied towards building the Church yeard Dyke of Kildalton with future collections , till the same be Completed . "
6 Not for the money just to be , just to see how they go on
7 What areas When I say , What areas , I mean what mean c what erm would you like the money actually to be used on ?
8 They have brought the project to the stage where it is almost completed and only remains for the ba the building basically to be fitted out internally , and they have largely raised the funds to do that , but they are some ten thousand pounds short , and they came to erm , the Department with a request that we erm , assist them with this ten thousand pounds shortfall in the funding .
9 The plain fact is that the feeble PC beep , usually allied to a tiny ( and tinny ) speaker is the laughing stock of the computer world — almost every other type of computer has sound capabilities that make the PC more to be pitied than laughed at .
10 The assumption is made the Policy Committee will allow the five hundred and fifty thousand mentioned in the budget before to be retained within the high rate budget .
11 At a national level the Council estimated the disadvantage arising from the poundage alone to be £401 million in the fiscal year 1991/92 .
12 These problems also obviously apply to the attempt about to be made here .
13 Thus we might expect the instrument not to be sufficiently sensitive for these conditions and so not for a growth room .
14 ‘ Not particularly , and I 'll thank you in the future not to be telling men it 's OK to come into my room .
15 Obviously the idea of killing everything in sight is a little primitive and shows the storyline up to be a little on the shallow side , but hey , it 's light relief from the hectic world outside .
16 He had n't the speed yet to be sure Golden Girl would come about .
17 Meanwhile Bartley removed the passenger door lock , used its serial number to buy an ignition key from the garage 's parts department and drove the car away to be ringed .
18 Wickham showed the photograph just to be sure .
19 They would have to disclose all memoranda , manuscripts and correspondence relating to the transaction , and it seemed to me almost inconceivable that this disclosure could enable the culprit still to be concealed from exposure .
20 The most vital rule , the rule never to be broken , the rule which marks the true Arab and lifts him above the morass of intrigue and materiality which now dominates his world and indeed ours , is the rule of hospitality .
21 They had rolled around in the narrow berth on the unanchored sheet , slipping on the shiny much-worn cheap leatherette surface of the bunk , lurching in and out of one another in a determined kind of way , the only passengers on the boat not to be paralysed with seasickness .
22 He was out again early ; too early even for the car to have been ticketed yet , as he found when he got in and turned the engine over to be sure that the cold and damp of the early hours would n't leave him with any last-minute problems .
23 A search for discrepancies was agreed to be the best avenue of research and one of the more convincing arguments put forward for the work not to be genuine was that the Kouros combines stylistic elements that run from early to late sixth century BC .
24 The LIFESPAN user name and password which have been allocated for the work about to be done must now be entered .
25 James Stephen provided encouragement at signs of progress in the operation of amelioration measures in the Crown Colonies but required recommitment from the representatives of the cause in the work still to be done , particularly in pressing change upon the legislative colonies .
26 As Reg Pyne advises : ‘ In summary the portrait ( Code ) is of a practitioner who has the capacity to challenge , the honesty to ask why , the empathy to care , the skill to perform competently , and the determination not to be put down ’ .
27 The cur tumbled into the moat only to be rescued by the brave Señor Sanchez .
28 It is impossible in these Coronation days to judge how long it will take to get from place to place and I asked the taxi-driver not to be too early .
29 While the exercise about to be described was a theoretical model , not an empirical test , its results indicate that positive NPV opportunities probably do exist in some ‘ cash cows ’ and that an integration of DCF and portfolio-grid analyses may lead to a more careful and sophisticated use of portfolio grids .
30 Care is taken to teach the boy how to be a good observer and to reckon things by observation without counting them , as counting , especially of sheep , goats , cattle or people is considered as one of the gikuyu taboos , mogiro , and one which would bring ill-luck to the people or animals counted .
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