Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 As Potter ( 1980 ) points out , it is difficult to differentiate from analysis how far morphemic or graphic cueing has influenced the response to the end of a word .
2 Let us hope Trevor can surprise us all and stay on the park until the end of the season .
3 Serbia already included present-day Macedonia and Kosovo ; and , by the addition at the end of the war of Vojvodina and Bosnia and Herzegovina , the new state acquired a considerable addition of people of Serbian language and religion .
4 For more details of how to cope with these and other sexual problems , see the booklist at the end of the chapter .
5 It would not be appropriate in a book of this kind to go into details over the clinical manifestations and classifications of mental disorder , although the booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject .
6 The UN Security Council said late on Friday that an Israeli decision on 1 February that 101 of the deportees could return immediately and the remainder before the end of the year had been a step in the right direction .
7 A treaty providing for the withdrawal of all Soviet combat troops stationed in Poland by Nov. 15 , 1992 , and the remainder by the end of 1993 , was initialled in Moscow by Polish and Soviet Deputy Foreign Ministers , Jerzy Makarczyk and Yury Deryabin .
8 I did the acoustic hillbilly guitar on it — you can really hear the guitar at the end .
9 The stairway at the end of the gallery was a cascade of white marble which descended without interruption to the jet-black floor of the entrance hall .
10 O'Brien had approached the Prince at the end of 1984 because he wanted support for a particular project , called Fullemploy .
11 The result is to make more plausible Mancini 's claim that from the seizure of the prince at the end of April some men were suspicious of Gloucester 's ultimate intentions .
12 The result is to make more plausible Mancini 's claim that from the seizure of the prince at the end of April some men were suspicious of Gloucester 's ultimate intentions .
13 but when I went in the other week , they all sit in a circle like that , then there 's a space and the teacher stands there and she was telling a story about the independent princess who does n't fall in love with the prince in the end , it was a quite funny story
14 Another resident , Williamine Dyson , 65 , who looked after spare keys for the holiday home , said yesterday she saw a man lingering near the base at the end of August and then walking up Campbell Road .
15 The change by the end of the century was dramatic .
16 Around the same proportion of the population , according to the same surveys , never thought of giving up the struggle to the end — or recovered from such defeatist notions — and it is fair to presume that for them Hitler remained the symbol of continued hope and determination .
17 The birthrate towards the end of the nineteenth century declined much faster than the deathrate .
18 An independent data-monitoring committee reviewed the mortality results from the first 12 months of follow-up in the Survival Study , and recommended the continuation of the trial to the end of the planned 24 months of follow-up .
19 Science , as it has developed right across the board since the end of the sixteenth century , has operated with the axiomatic assumption that events in the material world , out there , external to human minds , are governed by regularities which are so coherent and consistent that they can be treated as " natural laws " .
20 On Wednesday night , the group announced that its chief executive , Mr Eugene Anderson , had resigned and yesterday Johnson Matthey said its chairman , Mr Neil Clark , would be retiring from the board at the end of the year .
21 On Wednesday night , the group announced that its chief executive , Mr Eugene Anderson , had resigned and yesterday Johnson Matthey said its chairman , Mr Neil Clark , would be retiring from the board at the end of the year .
22 He was looking at the board at the end of Philip 's bed that had his swimming certificates pinned to it .
23 Speaking to the Herald and Post this week , Brian Wilson said they had submitted their views on the document to the board at the end of last week .
24 The directors understand they have a credibility problem with the supporters who called for the sacking of the board at the end of last week 's drawn home game with Partick Thistle .
25 We had five different shapes on the board by the end of the lesson .
26 ‘ I missed not being able to put the stocking on the end of his bed like I always did , and not seeing his face when he woke up .
27 We were inundated with entries for last issue 's Prize Wordsquare but there was little doubt about the winner at the end of the day .
28 Good entertainment it is , too , even though no one knows the winner in the end , since both Essex MPs are usually still shouting each other down when the credits roll .
29 The changed part of the sentence at the end could be : … when I say ice cream ? … when I say oranges ? … when I say vodka ? … when I say thistles ? … when I say macaroni ? … when I say opium ? … when I say sombrero ? … when I say rickshaw ? … when I say watches ? … when I say beret ?
30 But the jury ; the fans announced the sentence at the end .
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