Example sentences of "[art] [adj] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It was the highest stand for Yorkshire at Acklam Park since they came to the ground in 1956 , beating the 188 for the fifth wicket by current coach Doug Padgett and Vic Wilson against Sussex in 1960 .
2 Moreover , in the 1890s the British for the first time consistently encouraged headmen to report all cases .
3 Imagine if Mr Osborne were to try to sell the concept of milk , eggs or , heaven forbid , blue cheese to the British for the first time — how would you rate his chances ?
4 As a consequence of Peter Scudamore 's switch to Docklands Express , Steve Smith Eccles , 36 , who has had only three rides since returning from injury , was confirmed as the rider of Bonanza Boy , running in the National for the fourth successive year .
5 The average family pays nearly £2,000 a year in interest on debts and mortgages , but last year we ran our household budgets in the black for the first time since the mid-Eighties — and managed to tuck away £10.6 billion in savings .
6 Of its $6.5 million annual budget , the CAM gets less than $175,000 from city and state government , yet has managed to operate in the black for the last nine years .
7 ‘ Stick players who try the Grand for the first time are surprised at how fast they adapt to it , ’ says inventor , manufacturer and player Emmett Chapman .
8 These roads not only allowed the fenlands to be exploited to the full for the first time , they also changed the way of life there , to an extent never seen before or since .
9 LIFESPAN will automatically use the last user of the current list as the first for the next list .
10 LIFESPAN will automatically use the last DC of the current list as the first for the next list .
11 In the cab is a single joystick control which operates all four sections of the arm , including : Lift/lower for the first arm , the same for the second arm , hood angle , and telescoping in and out .
12 Once the whole company have learned the words they are divided into two groups with one side of the room singing and doing the actions to the first verse and the other doing the same for the second .
13 First , through the City with a policeman holding up the traffic with an impassive countenance which implied that he would do the same for the Seventh Day Adventists , the Anti-Vivisection Society or the Paddington Communist Party .
14 The Salon 's founding team , which remained virtually the same for the first two years , has changed significantly .
15 And the same for the last one brilliant .
16 Data shows that the level fell from 0.6 parts per million [ ppm ] in 1970 to 0.3 ppm in 1973 , but remained the same for the next decade despite a huge 95 per cent reduction in the release of mercury into Liverpool Bay from ICI .
17 It is likely they will plump for a compromise between the two for the next election , likely to be in months rather than years .
18 She has the whip-hand for the first time since the cock-up over the separation when they had to apologise for making it known that the knives were out for the Duchess .
19 Our instructor took us off into the unknown for the next few hours , where we experienced ice , spring snow , powder and crud .
20 ‘ I 'll be working like a Trojan for the next twelve weeks , ’ Lisa smiled back as she thanked him for the coffee .
21 Harvey produced a key for the third and a red light came on over each lock .
22 All through these years took part in every one for the last fifty years .
23 Lock Andy Reed was driven over following a scrum-five for the second .
24 By 1970 there were more than half a million students at a now expanded network of higher education , and in 1980 the number exceeded a million for the first time , taking in roughly a quarter of the relevant age group .
25 In the afternoon he had a 34 for the first nine and I thought it was all over bar the shouting .
26 There was , however , no inclination on the part of the Maltese to take a more adventurous approach even after going behind and they remained keen to foil the kind of movement off the ball being displayed by Jess , eagerly starting an international for the first time .
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