Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Maybe that 's just me , but that 's how I feel … there 's no warmth … just red paint around the outside and then a few splodges gone over with different coloured paint and [ he ] hoped for the best …
2 The maize or Indian corn is what you may well be most conscious of here , a crop introduced into the western Pyrenees in the 1600s and long a staple there , occupying now nearly half the cultivated space .
3 To be sure , many core groups from the old Democratic coalition voted in large numbers for Reagan , including Catholics , Jews , southerners , blue-collar workers , union members , the poor and even a third of the unemployed .
4 There will be a Krypton Factor room for the energetic , A Kind Of Loving for the romantic and even a conference suite named after the inventor of TV , John Logie Baird .
5 In doing so I wanted not to reduce , say , Gide 's or Fanon 's defence of difference to the limiting historical conditions of its articulation — the first as merely a sexual tourist , the second as developing a homophobic theory of Negrophobia .
6 This is referred to as a form of idolatry ; it is the particularization or objectification of the Ultimate and consequently a form of demonization .
7 Something over six hundred and twenty five , divided by something over six hundred and twenty five , now that is exactly the same as just a twenty four over seven , cos the six twenty five will cancel out .
8 That 's another thing you see that that that today you had a a tin ladle and it ever the ladle sort of leaked or developed a hole in ti you did n't discard it and throw it away , you used to go and buy what was called a , which was two little tin washers with a little bit of , I ca n't remember if it was f a fabric or or rubber , two pieces and you put one on one side and one the other and then a little screw and bolt went through , nut and bolt went through it and tightened it up and that stopped your leak , and that ladle then lasted a lot more a lot longer time .
9 Those who marched were a coalition of wildly different elements : pacifists and Christians , Trade Unionists and Little Englanders , anarchists and rationalists , Beats and ravers , the barefoot and the long-haired and also a great many quiet and concerned young parents pushing prams or carrying infants on their shoulders .
10 It was likely that both the leading magnates and the commons in parliament would see a war on behalf of the disinherited as merely a factional struggle in which neither the honour nor the safety of the community was at stake , and which therefore did not merit support .
11 ‘ I 'm not office-based — I 'll go to court duty one day , a prison visit the next and perhaps a home visit the following day , ’ she says .
12 By the time Iran had attacked a Kuwaiti , a Saudi and then a Liberian tanker ( the last of these caught near the principal Saudi terminal at Ras Tanura ) , the GCC states had begun to recognize this sequence — as it was doubtless intended — as a signal to distance themselves from Iraq in the light of the support they had been providing for Baghdad .
13 It is the question everybody asks and it is difficult to give a satisfactory answer because everybody wants a definite or even a sensational one .
14 This is partly a technical and partly a practical question , and on the practical side it is rather too soon to give any judgement .
15 Men like Pugin , Ruskin and William Morris turned a distasteful and then a blind eye to the fast growing urban sprawl and preferred to live in genuine or fake medieval houses by rivers or lakes .
16 At Rosemarkie in the Black Isle , north-east of Inverness , a remarkable number of stones were found within a few hundred yards of the present Groam House museum , indicating past importance as a tribal and then a religious centre .
17 In public sector organizations , the distinction sometimes takes on a lesser and sometimes a greater importance .
18 That in itself may be a messy and therefore a smelly business .
19 Its system of rebates , discounts and exemptions , and the fact that it is partly a personal and partly a property tax certainly guarantee complexity with necessarily guaranteeing collectability .
20 From each standard the rays of twenty powerful lamps were thrown across the pitch at different angles , and as they intersected and spread they did not leave a dark or even a dull patch …
21 In no manner does the birth of this child put the other out of my mind nor can I accept he is a substitute but rather a reminder as if God wished to show me what I have lost and reprimand me for my carelessness .
22 Denys Zacharopoulos , one of its three curators , says : ‘ The museum is like a voodoo fetish , the artist a sorcerer but also a prisoner ’
23 Keeping Sheridan on a straight or even a wavy line definitely came into the category of crisis control .
24 So realism suggests a limit on the number of candidates , and if in some Irish constituencies there are a dozen or even a score the reason is that they include candidates of small or perhaps minuscule parties besides more or less cranky independents : the two major parties are not responsible .
25 RE THE letter from Mrs F. Taylor about Cilla Black being a Tory and therefore a traitor to Liverpool .
26 Ashton makes brilliant use of this in his version of the solo , phrasing the steps so that a jump upwards can last three beats followed by two short steps or two beats followed by a long and then a short step .
27 We are starting with the press that the need for a National Airport 's policy I can not think of a number , a major or even a concentrate all these airfields and resources in one region .
28 He was a brilliant but also a tortured thinker , in many ways a solitary and tragic figure , his personality marked by a tendency to depression , and by the decision he made in 1843 to break off his engagement to Regine Olsen .
29 To yank someone entirely out of their time and smack them around for not being of our time is perhaps a salutary but only a limited exercise .
30 You do not have to be a separatist or even a lesbian to enjoy the benefits of graduated separatism .
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