Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [unc] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Probably because they had n't re-used they got there by two or three or four years time when they came on to the next level of management the junior management erm we did this with them again and you would begin to find certain skills had evolved and certain certain team strengths had arisen because they do change over the years .
2 And then even within two of you mentioned the European Commission , now the Commission is of course a part of what 's nown now known as the European Union erm it 's a particular branch but even within the broader framework , parts can play an important role erm within international affairs and the Commission has a particular role , not just within the European Union , but of course in international affairs generally .
3 And in the right circumstances er it need not be be criticized , but the circumstances have to be right for it .
4 Er I , you see they used to work , the Guilds work more with the political party , they worked , I 'd , I ca n't see my Guild women going to the Labour Party erm you see .
5 Erm and that how that but through land reform it meant that how that you had erm credit difficulties and that how that landlords who prev previously provided the credit were no longer there and so that meant that how that erm that exasperated problems of increasing productivity and also there was a severe shortage of farm implements and animals cos they were n't redistributed , there was only the surplus that was taken away from the rich peasants and landlords , it meant that how that the , the rich peasants erm you know , got back er they sort of were a self-perpetuating elite in that how the poor peasants just did n't have the means to improving their production .
6 that 's the cheapest place int it ?
7 On the question of the public conveniences erm I feel there 's been a lot of discussion about this , this kind of issue and I feel that what we 've got now is a good agreement erm , we 've got still providing a good level of service with attendance at the central I do n't like referring to conveniences , at the time that they are most needed and I think that now I would n't like to see us go without that if we do n't really need to .
8 I think that the new settlement erm should be as close to York erm city as can be achieved , the erm question of the detailed location er I think is a matter for erm discussion on the basis of the other planning policy guidance erm criteria which I have n't explored terms of the locational criteria , what I was seeking to do in my comments was erm to counter a point which has been made er by the C P R E which refers to new settlements as an engine of growth , now that 's not the purpose of this new settlement , it is a response to the needs of meeting Greater York , and I do n't see any reason why that 's less likely to be achieved if it 's South South West of York , than anywhere else around the circumference of York .
9 That 's the old faith int it ?
10 Er one case I know he , he 's so well known amongst the old lads er he used to give you so many sums to do each day and I think it was four or five long division .
11 Er they tend to be more sophisticated and slimmer and nice looking , but we have quite a few craftsmen around now , no blacksmiths as such , but even in the old days er you had rather cheaper versions made with wooden handles and just a nice piece of light Tinwooey bent over to form the board , the mould board and that .
12 In the typical scenario erm you have the parents as villains of the peace , you have the children or the child as being abused , you have ah typically in the er as it were the stereotypical scenario , you have the father doing the abuse , you have a certain amount of responsibility pointed at the mother .
13 We will continue to look at er the future programme er we will also as you know , look at ballistic missile defence which is another element to this and that must need to be fact facted in as well but I think clearly we are not talking about in the medium term er and longer term , we are talking about er a fairly late stage of the programme .
14 Oh there was the stone I ken , the big stones in the road up the glen er what we called the Gled stane Er it 's a great huge stone and it has a right story about it .
15 But I mean i i certainly if you go through the , the early bits erm I mean i i i if you take well okay the , the organization bit to begin with , but then hitting the landlords politically er you know y you 're , you 're checking their accounts , you 're imposing their fines when they 've been a bit naughty , you 're letting contributions erm you 're crowning them and going through the streets , you 're locking them up , you 're banishing some of them , you might be executing some of them but i it 's , it 's only specifically where they 've offended against your , your view of the moral economy , where they , where they 've sort of been naughty in terms of
16 I do n't think she 's been five times to my house in all the time I 've lived there , now in the early days er she said that when it , hang on , she said she 'd never come down cos she did n't like er
17 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
18 Could I say that we 'd be willing perhaps that the Conservative amendment first of all , and then to turn to the amendment by the Liberal democrats erm I would like to suggest that schools or other charities , not just schools are exempt from any registration charge but will still notify the local authority in , in advance of an event , because events held at schools or by charities still create problems with traffic and parking and congestion
19 any , any other sort of mouse I could have brought me mouse with me and we could have run it off the serial port erm it 's a pain that Amstrad mouse .
20 With regard to the first lies my group has come to the conclusion that there is a way in which the employment development budget can be augmented to specifically reserve at least the part of the current posish provision provided by the cooperative development erm we stand by our opinion that there are ways in which that service can be more efficiently administered that this is a sensible way forward .
21 Now that does n't the Kipsigy was just the study of the erm you know it 's a good statistical it 's good hard-hat social science you know with distribution and everything it 's all good stuff , erm they do n't say that , where we do know this is something I have researched myself very carefully , the Australian Aborigines erm we have rich data on this and I 've read an awful lot of it and I compared notes with world authorities like David McKnight and erm erm what 's his name erm Shapiro authority on this , and they agree that er that 's definitely what happens .
22 Yeah and we 've seen some different erm they had I think it was actually waiver paper as well when Murdoch bought it , and for a while he honoured the political content and then he decided he was gon na do major changes , and this may all sound familiar to you but erm the effect that that had I mean not only on the , on the , on the end up being this side , but also on erm the Mirror because it meant that Page Three Girls were in on the Daily Record in Scotland erm it was , it was quite profound I mean there 's a broader argument here as to whether you you should get pampered to those possible denominator to taste erm it 's interesting that the Daily Sport and the Sunday Sport which are two I do n't know if they have anything like it in Japan , but they 're a bit like the National Enquirer erm it 's all made up baseball there 's a sad proportion of erm journalist stories of fantasy land stuff erm along with erm photographic content and er copy content which probably
23 Special needs again we 've highlighted , we have put in a token on the er in the primary sector erm it 's a notional amount , clearly we ca n't tell the schools how to spend their money but it seemed to us that the increasing in managerial role of primary deputy heads , they would welcome er a small increase in non con in non contact time .
24 There are sort of costs in that respect that that come out of this erm business report er and on the late sides erm we would actually support the motion that 's been moved by er Charles and Jane but there is a policy of response and that does n't mean to say that they will accept all of it but there may be some good elements er er within it but we need to actually refer it .
25 And they said he never said much to them , well he perhaps did n't , he would n't do because he was like that you see , but pra before interviewing him on television , er of course the War came and India was given freedom , and er there used to be you know the Sweet people who used to have a big factory on Road , was a very famous sweet in them days , I do n't think they are now , but was a very good sweet firm , and they 'd got a daughter cos she was in the , during the War the Anglo-Soviet Friendship er she was one of the course they 'd got hundreds but she was one .
26 And even before the pit closure programme started with the increased competition that was taking place inside the mines , the increased productivity erm we 've seen a steady rise in the number of back accidents , erm you know spinal erm related accidents .
27 Equations ( 1.16.3 ) and ( 1.16.4 ) show that the characteristic equation may be written in the alternative forms unc It follows that the Cayley-Hamilton theorem unc can be written in the alternative form , in which for consistency each factor has been multiplied by -1 , unc It will be observed that , with eigenvalues all different , each of these matrices has degeneracy 1 , the product of all n factors having degeneracy n : i.e. it is null ; this is an illustration of Sylvester 's law of degeneracy ( Theorem XII of 1.22 ) .
28 you 're most of the time you 're getting it right cos this is just making the right sort of guess and you 're seeing the sort of When it gets to the awkward ones y you 're just sort of Well maybe it 's that , maybe its something else .
29 Well I 'd like to speak about the gallery I like to speak for myself and er just the visual arts and er the gallery when it first started was a gallery very much appreciated by appreciated by the Eastern Region er they saw it as potential a very significant gallery in the whole region which would have been a marvellous thing for Harlow to have .
30 But most of all obviously the , the great roar y you know , the tremendous noise that they make .
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