Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] so " in BNC.

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1 And so too with the inside centre and so on across the field .
2 At higher Re the flow becomes turbulent in only a small fraction of the total length and so the variations in flow rate are again too small .
3 The advancing edge or step is now twice the normal height and so would require twice the amount of new material if it were to advance at the same rate as the other layers .
4 So Marion , back on the boards after the death of her boring solicitor husband some years ago , compressed her lips and maintained as well as possible the stately calm that so well suited her part as the Balkan Countess whose family jewels were stolen in this season 's Salt and Pepper offering ( Robson the butler was the master crook , in league with the Countess 's French maid ) .
5 Another example is the case of a generalized infection in which a fever is often observed — the result of the body 's attempt to make the environment unsuitable for the invading organism and so rid itself of it .
6 The terms of appointment and objectives of any such advisers , and the division of functions between them , should be clearly set out , in order to produce material of the greatest utility and so as not to duplicate work and inflate costs .
7 This header data is transferred up as detail to the next level of the hierarchical structure and so on until the whole machine is recorded .
8 All aluminium saucepans including those from Buckingham Palace here collected in July nineteen forty but unfortunately it was not of the right grade and so housewives then suffered for the rest of the war and having to cook with inferior pans .
9 ( I can not bring myself to follow the grotesque habit which Methodists seem to have learned from the Labour Party of dropping the definite article and so ‘ Conference does this or that ’ never ‘ The Conference . ’ )
10 At Oyash , 50 miles north-east of Novosibirsk , a small wooden station with a distinctly Orientalist feel to its carved wooden decoration was dominated by a water tower , similarly decorated , which provided the upward thrust so common in Western stations in the nineteenth century and so lacking on the Trans-Siberian .
11 But getting out to MPs like erm John Prescott the energy spokesperson for the Labour Party and so on .
12 Amid the stark , and in places green-hued contours of the half mile or so of cliff and tumbled boulders that is Froggatt , there exists a wealth of entertaining and varied climbing .
13 Though the voice was larded with the tones owed to ‘ land in the family ’ , the man himself was decent , polite , unpretentious , and unpatronising throughout the half hour or so that I spent photographing him .
14 Well okay this morning what I 'd like to do in the half hour or so that we 've got before lunch is to talk about the skills we need when we actually come up here to deliver then this afternoon we 'll look at that feedback from the video and what you did and then we 'll move on to the skills of design , the preparation skills .
15 But Brewer has an uncanny knack of getting injured at the wrong time and so hooker Sean Fitzpatrick will be in charge for the first time .
16 In the case of inferior courts , that is , courts of a lower status than the High Court , such as the justices of the peace , it was recognised that their learning and understanding of the law might sometimes be imperfect and require correction by the High Court and so the rule evolved that certiorari was available to correct an error of law of an inferior court .
17 This answer falls within the acceptable range and so indicates that this person is at or reasonably close to her ideal weight .
18 Cold predominates : the mean temperature in some months in the North American tundra may be -30°C , and in Siberia an astonishing -50°C ; and in summer , the ground may remain frozen solid ( ‘ permafrost ’ ) except for the top metre or so .
19 Sometimes this relationship is fairly close ; for example , in the nervous system , the endocrine system , the digestive system and so on , and sometimes it remains almost entirely unknown , for example , the perceptual system and the decision-making system .
20 This dominance shows , Darwin reasons , that older characters are more permanent , more deeply embedded in the hereditary constitution and so more resistant to the influence either of mates in crossing or of changing external conditions .
21 DOWNING Street insists that President-elect Bill Clinton is not angry with the British Government and so is not snubbing John Major by refusing to meet him in Washington later this month .
22 The Sunday Independent , however , does not circulate on the British mainland and so there was still no head of steam generated for an inquiry .
23 It took ten years of experiments in the Soviet Union to find the definitive evidence and so confirm Vesman 's resonance theory .
24 The former is the initial , original creation of the artist — the etching into the plate , the drawing on the lithographic stone and so on .
25 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
26 In 1337 , Edward III of England launched his assault on the French crown and so began the Hundred Years War , in which Champagne became one of the principal battlegrounds .
27 Up to the sixteenth century or so , most people in Britain lived in the countryside .
28 One important implication of this view of the state is that injustice can not be removed by reform , only by a revolution , and one which involves a radical change in the system , property rights , the content of education , the family , the fiscal system and so on .
29 Another is the full implementation of an integrated research and technology programme for the entire group and so , too , is the completion of preparations for the start-up of a new European sales organization .
30 It embraces the various institutions that make up that the state — the House of Commons , the Cabinet , the civil service and so on — as well as the fundamental practices and rules that identify which institutions have power and how they relate to each other and to the larger political community .
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