Example sentences of "[art] [noun] during the first " in BNC.

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1 The very positive self image , the change during the first week , that single parents experience those courses is absolutely striking .
2 The suckling pup may also be infected by ingestion of L3 in the milk during the first three weeks of lactation .
3 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
4 Of the opposition sides , Bay of Plenty replaced one player while Richard Loe , who left the field during the First Test , was the only other casualty .
5 The exceptions were in four main areas : in the west during the first onslaughts when the khanate of Kuchum was being eliminated ; in the far north-east against the Chukchis and Karnchatkan Itelmens ( here Russian losses may not have been very severe , but the effects on the aboriginal population were catastrophic ) ; in the south-east in the struggle with the Manchus for domination of the Amur , where the Russians were beaten ; and finally in the south-west against the nomadic horsemen of the steppes who were a thorn in the Russians ' flesh for over a century .
6 The forwards were again beaten in the line-outs during the first half .
7 Growth hormone is released into the blood during the first part of sleep , but this is affected by the 24-hour body clock to a small extent only , so that changes in the timing of sleep are followed almost immediately by changes in growth hormone release .
8 The London exchange , reporting the figures in its latest quarterly publication , said that 900 people left the industry during the first nine months of the year , cutting total staff numbers to 22,100 .
9 Salengro , having angered France 's far right by issuing a decree outlawing ‘ seditious ’ groups , had been accused of desertion and collaboration with the enemy during the first world war .
10 Eleven of these patients were recruited for the study during the first 24 hours of illness .
11 On the negative side press reports indicated that the cost of the programme during the first half of 1990 had been a massive rise in unemployment ( from an official 6,000 at the end of 1989 to 568,000 ) ; a 30 per cent fall in output ; a 25 per cent drop in industrial sales in the first quarter ( in comparison with the same period in 1989 ) ; and an estimated 30 per cent drop in living standards , as real incomes slumped by around 35 per cent and 90 per cent of prices were freed ( following the abolition of subsidies ) to find their market level .
12 She was rebuilt into her present form at Cowlairs works in 1915 and served on the continent during the First World War .
13 It was restarted and , with the break during the First World War , flourished until 1920 .
14 Reduction of dose is similarly used for so-called sensitive cases who are immediately over stimulated or prove the remedy during the first days , or hours , of treatment .
15 John Chalcraft , Managing Director at the Brewery ( 1928–69 ) and H.J. Young ( who ran the Club during the First War ) , were then appointed as the first Financial Advisers , in consultation with the Captain .
16 IBM Corp 3172 functionality will be provided on the company 's router systems as phase 3 of the plan during the first half of next year , while during the second half there will be an expansion of multiprotocol routing with the inclusion of APPN/NN routing .
17 They interpreted this finding as showing that associability lost by the stimulus during the first stage of training could outweigh the transfer deriving from the fact that both stage of the study involved inhibitory learning .
18 The move was designed to ease the depreciation of the yen ( which fell by 10 per cent against the dollar during the first three months of the year ) , dampen inflationary pressure and restore investor confidence .
19 I 've played it fast and loose before , and on the rare occasions when I 've disobeyed orders ( in the Rhineland during the First Crusade , in a little whorehouse in the backstreets of Byzantium , and on a cargo ship bearing perfumes from Punt ) I have come up smelling of roses .
20 Article 67 of the Treaty of Rome provided for the abolition of restrictions on the movement of capital within the Community during the first twelve years of the Community 's existence .
21 Once again , you have an opportunity to go for a perfect ton , providing you have produced the goods during the first two days play .
22 At least the poor bloody infantry in the trenches during the First World War did n't have to put up with that .
23 J. R. R. Tolkien ( 1892–1973 ) , a Catholic by upbringing , wrote in praise of the remembered virtues of the British Tommy in the trenches during the First World War , and the enormous and highly improbable success of The Lord of the Rings ( 1954–5 ) , for all that it began as a cult in the United States rather than at home , struck a chord that was ultimately insular , tribal and boldly British .
24 Saudi Arabia has stockpiled close to 30m barrels of the stuff during the first quarter of 1989 ; Iran has been busy filling European storage tanks ; Saudi , Kuwaiti and Iraqi oil has been pouring into America almost as fast as it did in December .
25 The suspension during the first three weeks and the possible extended period does not apply to a public takeover or exchange bid , provided this has been notified to the Commission at the same time as it is publicly announced .
26 From their residency at the Fridge during the first summer of love , Halo used slide and film projectors to throw up a collage of op-art patterns , film loops of dancers like E-Boy and Wumni , and unique fractals derived from video feedback .
27 Clifford Race volunteered for the army during the First World War and served as a farrier .
28 Another tom did the same thing , supplying his female with food while she was unable to leave the nest during the first days after producing her litter .
29 ABOVE RIGHT A medical textbook s illustration from 1794 showing the development of the foetus during the first four months after conception .
30 Proteins from foods can also pass through the stomach during the first few months , and so lead to problems .
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