Example sentences of "[art] [noun] in [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , the openings in companies ' legal departments are much fewer than in private practice ; and in any case you should not consider articles in commerce or industry unless you are keen to make this your career .
2 Two other benefit changes directly affecting women are the reduction in widows ' benefits and the replacement of the universal maternity grant by statutory maternity pay , administered by employers , which is subject to contribution conditions and liable for tax .
3 In summary , our understanding of basic cognitive processes suggests that top managers can have a powerful effect on organization behaviour and direction by reducing the variety in subordinates ' schemas ( core values ) .
4 In this case , the accounts are addressed to the shareholders and the balance sheet is a statement of shareholders ' financial position while the income statement is the change in shareholders ' financial position .
5 This impression of relative prosperity would be even more the case in physicians ' private offices , but these are unevenly distributed and are largely absent from the poorest parts of the city .
6 The rise in companies ' income gearing has also stabilised .
7 Further increases in revenue will also be generated with the rise in employees ' National Insurance contribution rates from 1 April 1994 .
8 The gain in consumers ' surplus minus the loss in producers ' surplus is equal to RFGS .
9 The result in viewers ' minds can have been little other than confusion and fear , instead of the excitement that there should have been .
10 2.38 There is no authority on the appropriate principles to be adopted in apportioning the amount recovered , but the practice in widows ' claims is to award the greater part of the total sum awarded to the widow on the assumption that she will maintain the children as long as they are dependent and to award comparatively small sums to the children themselves .
11 Several respondents to FRED 1 , in commenting on the statement of total recognised gains and losses , suggested that it should be extended to provide a complete reconciliation of the movements in shareholders ' funds .
12 Please take a look in your own back yard before pointing out the mess in others ' .
13 Throughout the fighting , the intelligence section had been searching houses and the German headquarters , and naval parties had boarded ships in similar searches — a dangerous task because several were killed as they rowed towards the quays in ships ' whalers .
14 A headhunter needs to be an excellent listener , receptive , willing and able to see the difference in peoples ' backgrounds and how those people might fit into a very different environment .
15 Having just lost out to Alan Alda in 1966 for the forthcoming Broadway comedy The Apple Tree , directed by Mike Nichols , but nonetheless now confirmed as a top off-Broadway character actor , Dustin landed the lead in Livings ' Eh ? , which had had a great success at the Aldwych Theatre , London , in Peter Hall 's Royal Shakespeare Company production exactly two years previously .
16 Rising unemployment was important in producing the reductions in unions ' members , funds , and militancy .
17 When Jack had spent the night in friends ' houses after a match he realised that their mothers were not like this .
18 3 ) explain the variations in authorities ' responses .
19 It was made with a slit for the blade to pass , like the slits at the back in angels ' tunics for their wings , and was changed according to the seasons ' calendar .
20 I think in some ways it 's better , because girls are meant to get on better in the sciences in girls ' schools ; they 're meant to be pushed backwards a bit in boys ' schools .
21 He told them about the bath in Swines ' building yard .
22 She had a good career behind the counter in Ladies ' Separates , but no desire to become a spinster .
23 Tory politicians are also liable to misread the trade-off in voters ' minds between taxation and spending .
24 Company liquidations have increased more sharply recently than at the same stage of the last recession , when defaults significantly lagged the deterioration in companies ' financial position , but corporate indebtedness has been much higher both at the outset of the recession and subsequently .
25 However , allied to the improvement in companies ' financial position has been an increase in large companies ' liquidity ratios , to their highest level since the end of 1987 ( though this may have been partly at the cost of the liquidity of smaller companies , because of trade credit effect ) .
26 The neglect of the needs of those disabled after retirement age is excused by reference to the growth in pensioners ' incomes in recent years which , of course , overlooks the acute poverty among older people with disabilities and the fact that the growth in incomes has been concentrated among better-off pensioners .
27 The gain in consumers ' surplus minus the loss in producers ' surplus is equal to RFGS .
28 The position is the same if the offender is committed for some offences under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 and for some under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.56 ; the restrictions in Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.133 have no application to the offences subject to committal under section 38 , as the Crown Court can sentence for those offences as if the offender has just been convicted of them on indictment , but do apply to the offences committed under section 56 .
29 Clearly , liberalisation is a crucial factor explaining both the rise in house prices and in wealth , and the increase in consumers ' spending , inflation and the balance of payments deficit .
30 The authors draw attention to the increase in fundholders ' referral rates to general surgery ( an 8.6% increase ) , but this should surely be interpreted in the light of the 17.0% increase in such referrals by non-fundholders ( table III ) .
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