Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [be] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Evidence that oathing was going on in the reserve was at first dismissed with the claim that the Masai involved were ‘ half-and-halfs ’ , that is , the offspring of a Masai father and a Kikuyu mother : the loyalty of the ‘ pure Masai ’ was thought to be beyond question .
2 The date for the election was at first announced for November 26 .
3 In the end , however , the decision was at first deferred , and then quietly abandoned .
4 ‘ Cept there 's more goin' on in the evenin 's with First Aid and the like . ’
5 The mitigation of the law was at first carried so far as to sacrifice that object , said J.S. Mill .
6 The committee was at first divided over the proposal , with Betty Sinclair opposing the whole idea of protest marches , and a decision was deferred to a later meeting , which agreed to go ahead and fixed the date for 24 August .
7 Russia chose the latter option , and her campaign in the south was at first to have a most promising outcome .
8 When the Wolof children were asked to put together the pictures or objects in an array that were most alike and to give their reasons , the question was at first put in the form ‘ Why do you say ( or think ) that these are alike ? ’ .
9 The tramway was at first operated by horses which were stabled at the rear of the present Ashby 's butchers shop .
10 The paintings were at first estimated at FFr4–5 million by Paris expert Eric Turquin and their sale was planned to help purchase a scanner for the hospital .
11 The lecturer was at first impatient at being called from a tutorial session , before his vanity was fed the magical words of ‘ Foreign and Commonwealth Office ’ .
12 This is achieved if the relations are in first normal form and all non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on all the key .
13 The sporophore is at first a whitish-grey , unpleasant-looking fleshy growth and gradually becomes more leathery and dewy .
14 The reception of the schema was at first fairly favourable , but gradually became more and more hostile , with Cardinal Heenan of Westminster emerging as perhaps the harshest critic .
15 Even the governor is on first name terms with the inmates , although the staff still keep a respectful distance .
16 The Aten was at first described as " the living Re-Harakhty who rejoices in the horizon in his name Shu ( light ) who is Aten " and later as " the living Re , ruler of the Two Horizons , who rejoices in the horizon in his name of Re the father who returns as Aten " .
17 The relevant fact is that , if two solutions are mixed in a petri dish or other container , and allowed to stand , the mixture is at first a uniform brown , but this homogeneous state is not stable .
18 Although the tunnel was at first rejected on the grounds of cost , eventually in 1872 the Severn Tunnel Bill was passed by Parliament and construction began the following year .
19 At Diego Garcia Island , 3,647 kilometres away ( in the Indian Ocean ) , the sounds of the explosions were at first thought to be coming from a ship in distress , firing its guns to attract attention , so the people ran out to vantage points on the coast of the island to try to see it .
20 The nature of the intimidation was at first quite subtle .
21 Its use in the liturgy was at first opposed by the papacy , but , following the Council of Split in 1079 , both the Old Church Slavonic language and the glagolitic script were permitted to exist in central Dalmatia .
22 The appearance of the book is at first glance like that of any other glossy book about the Royals .
23 The press was at first unhelpful in either explaining or interpreting the events .
24 For particular kinds of chemical reaction , and for particular diffusion rates , it turns out that , even if the reactants are at first distributed uniformly throughout the medium , a regular pattern appears , with substances concentrated in some regions and almost absent from others .
25 The company was at first commanded by a Captain Short , and later by Major H.M. Williams , who was also on the staff of the LNWR Carriage Department .
26 The Bolsheviks at least promised to tackle regional socio-economic backwardness , and their bureaucratic intervention in the localities was at first less oppressive in some ways than in the Tsarist past simply for lack of personnel .
27 The conversion was at first a family secret ; when it leaked out to the neighbours the Murphys fled to Dublin , where William worked in his teens in a boot shop .
28 A decision was at first postponed but permission was granted later in the year .
29 Sometimes an event is at first delayed but then things happen fast .
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