Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My friend is not simply explaining why , for good or bad reasons , he did decide to go to the Park ( as he might after the event , in which case it would be no objection to his explanation that when he got there the zoo turned out to be closed ) ; he is defending his decision to go to the Park rather than meet me at his house , and I can still try to change his mind .
2 Can I encourage the Minister to do the double by restoring the funding so as to enable much-needed house building and repairs to go ahead , and at the same time give the necessary financial boost to the devastated building and construction industry ?
3 And environmental tidiness may cost the Pentagon more than had been planned .
4 With hindsight the RHA would have attempted to follow the advice of Mezey on this issue and would have sought , as far as possible , change from within the institutions rather than imposing it from without .
5 Where a nailed board refuses to move , it is often easier to punch the mails down into the joist rather than trying to prise them up .
6 The wrongful act of the son in intercepting those letters , which could not have been anticipated by the creditor , was held not to affect the creditor so as to prevent it from enforcing the charge .
7 The fact that the elderly parents acted reasonably and did nothing wrong and yet entered into an agreement , the ramifications of which they did not appreciate , did not affect the creditor so as to afford equitable relief to the parents .
8 In all three cases the Court has stressed the gravity of revenge attacks and the danger of dissatisfied victims or their relatives taking the law into their own hands , and then found reasons to mitigate the sentence so as to allow the immediate release of the offender .
9 The different interpretations are due to differences in the scope of almost with respect to certain of the semantic traits of kill : notice how the paraphrases match the interpretations simply by moving almost in the sentence so as to alter its scope .
10 There is , perhaps , especially strong confirmation that the verb and adjective properties are immediately bound together in the fact that there is no coherent way to question either the adjective or the verb alone while leaving the other in place ; we can not , for example , have : ( 24 ) what should I do to the string longer ? ( 25 ) how did his sister set the owl ?
11 So whether it means add or take away or subtract or negative we can sort of forget about it and just look at the signs so if get if we get take away plus three , that will be the same as take away plus three , yeah ?
12 It must show clearly and unequivocally the reasoning of the Community authority which adopted the measure so as to inform the persons concerned of the justification for the measure adopted and enable the Court of Justice to exercise its powers of review .
13 The Community would monitor Hungary 's programme to restructure its economy on more market-oriented lines , and disburse the second and third tranches of the money only if satisfied about progress .
14 The Community would monitor Hungary 's programme to restructure its economy on more market-oriented lines , and disburse the second and third tranches of the money only if satisfied about progress .
15 You should have seen Captain Trentham 's face when ‘ e found out that I had chosen a spell in the Fusiliers rather than going back to gaol . ’
16 From his wrinkled face and sunburned skin he looked as though he had risen from the ranks rather than graduating from Saint Cyr or the Ecole Militaire .
17 The quality of the build shows that some care has been taken in its assembly — for instance , where at all possible , input and output ports have been mounted on the case rather than taking up usable expansion slot space .
18 Emil Brunner , the Swiss theologian , argues the case forcefully as follows :
19 He was a man who wanted to speak the text exactly as written .
20 They are more interested in tending the cow rather than milking it — the cow being the national economy .
21 So Father Kleinsorge got a large piece of grass and drew out the stem so as to make a straw , and gave them all water to drink that way .
22 It means a government whose chief policies were offered to the voters before the election rather than concocted in political trading after it .
23 The difficulties arise in attempting to devise a formula that will distribute the grant so as to equalise its effects on the needs and resources of all local authorities .
24 Foucault , and those influenced by him , have displayed a great scepticism about the possibilities of a conventional history : Foucault stresses that his work is basically aimed at constructing a ‘ genealogy ’ , the locating of the ‘ traces ’ of the present rather than reconstructing the past .
25 The bank was contractually obliged to honour the cheque even when honouring put the accused 's account into the red .
26 Charles decided that the accused had the bank 's authority to draw the cheque so as to create a contract between the bank and the payee .
27 EPR had won the battle on their own terms but , like Bohr in his very different way , they had defined the rules so as to assure themselves of victory .
28 This often provokes a negative reaction from the other person who bridles at the explicit disagreement and therefore fails to listen to the reasons — indeed , is highly likely to interrupt the reasons rather than hear them out .
29 Do you twos do the cooking rather than go out .
30 Annely Juda said at the time that she would have to be carried out of the building rather than leave .
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