Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , when acting for a buyer prepare your land registry cover or application form ( which you 'll require when lodging your application to register the transfer or for first registration of title , as the case may be ) at the same time as you make your requisitions and prepare the draft conveyance or transfer and other documents preferably in that buyer 's package described at p22 .
2 As a counterweight to this strengthening of relationships at the CNAA-institutions level the move to weaken the role of subject boards was reversed and the proposals adopted provided for greater integration of the boards than at first suggested .
3 I knew he had had the breakdown and at first I did n't mind .
4 President Yang Shangkun was removed from the politburo and as first vice-chair of the Central Military Commission ( CMC ) .
5 Mordecai himself was so much part of the shadows that at first when you stepped into the shop you did not see him .
6 She took it through to the lounge and laid it on the rug and at first I was amused But I could see all was not well because she sat as she usually does , but for a long time — over half an hour — then she lay down like this and she has n't moved . "
7 From this it follows that far more transactions could well be caught under the section than at first appears .
8 De Gaulle himself was shocked by the events and at first hesitant about what to do .
9 But despite the fact that at first sight the novel looks as though it is going to offer a fairly conventional , though well-written account of an actual incident , this is not a book from which to learn about Russian history .
10 I went out on to the roof to have a look and at first I could see nothing amiss .
11 Your overall objective should be to ensure that a deal that at first sight looks attractive is not , in the long run , undermined because you have to expend significant additional sums in order to maintain a reasonable life-style abroad and fulfil your duties adequately .
12 It was too much , and the central government , worried about the gentry 's identifying Curteys with royal intentions had no choice but to first suspend and then remove him .
13 Because it was an impermanent unofficial arrangement , the pairing family held no property and at first presented no threat to the communally held property of the gens .
14 She had a twang that at first I did n't recognise ; it was New Zealand , for though her mother had been local , the late Mr Green , her father , came from Auckland , and had lived there before opening Green 's Hotel .
15 The main idea is to draw the house from the outside in , a task that at first appears quite daunting , but , once you 've worked through the tutorial files ( which I heartily recommend that you do ) it 's actually relatively straightforward .
16 I got questions about wearing a hat and at first I did n't want to explain .
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