Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But this was too soon in my own development for me to be able to grasp the opportunity and eventually the shop closed down and Mr Farrer moved on .
2 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
3 Darlington police have been told about the vandalism and yesterday an officer went to interview Miss Golightly .
4 But it would be wrong , at least at the secondary level , to see the fragmentation as somehow the fault of narrow , self-interested teachers .
5 You would normally only approach the Ombudsman if neither the pension scheme trustees/managers nor OPAS are able to solve your problem .
6 Mark usually achieved this by thinking out an arresting beginning , nearly always of the same type , asking his congregation to imagine themselves standing gazing at the Pyramids or the Acropolis or even the New York skyline , hardly realising , until Sophia pointed it out to him , that these sights would be unfamiliar to the majority of his hearers .
7 It never crossed her mind — that was the bad part of the mistake — that for the prince as well the marriage could not be an end in itself .
8 It is now possible to study not only the direction but also the rate of shell evolution at an interspecies level over the entire history of the Earth !
9 How much is the shirt as well the shirt ?
10 She urges the excellence and dignity of courage , a glittering idea which has dazzled mankind from age to age and animated sometimes the housebreaker and sometimes the conqueror . ’
11 It appears from the accounts that quite a different reading is given to occasions of physical or verbal reprimand which fall within the acknowledged framework of official penalties .
12 Possibly no one will ever know just how much this particular gang made in ill gotten gains over their evil enterprise , but there was little doubt at the time of the trial that quite a fortune had been amassed and that most of the principals would be rich men when they came out of prison .
13 We have now considered the general background information to the trial and also the specific points about the unit that we wish to check .
14 ‘ Persons in my position customarily wed , not according to their own choosing — but in accordance with the wishes or indeed the ambitions of their elders .
15 In spite of their different appearances and functions during the actual process of fertilization , the egg and sperm cells bring equivalent portions of genetic material to the zygote and hence the future individual .
16 In fact , he claims that his flyingboat course was his last in the RAF and certainly the most fortuitous for himself and subsequently the RAF .
17 I am entering the RAF and then the Navy because I believe I can contribute something to this country by so doing .
18 They dispose of ‘ all the nice furniture that used to be in the saloon and then the candelabra ’ .
19 Shiloh was some twenty miles from the camp , but the storyteller does not dwell on the sight of the Israelites ( and the Philistines , too ! ) twiddling their thumbs while the runner and then the ark are on their way .
20 Well what 's that with the that 's the gel and then the what , the shower gel ?
21 The cheesemaker has the best control over his cheese if he is able to use the milk from his own flock or herd — he then knows exactly what he is getting and where the animals have been grazed as the type of grass and subsoil contributes much to the flavour of the milk and then the cheese .
22 Another used sweet saffron leaves , baked to dry and fed in the same way : ‘ Only you had to be some careful not to give the horse too much of the powder or else the sweat would bring it out and you could smell the herb on his coat . ’
23 It is half past three of the afternoon and already the houses across the burn are fading into a sodden gloom .
24 From 1867 onwards it became clear that the boy must begin to learn his métier as heir to the throne and so a small household was established .
25 Murray wants to opt out of the deal but two deadlines have already passed for Kiam to raise the money and now a third , and perhaps final , one has fallen due this month , the end of the football season .
26 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
27 Leading dissidents in the ruling United National Party , however , organized public rallies to attack the executive presidency for running a " police state " , marginalizing the parliament and even the Cabinet , and ruling through presidential advisers with no public accountability .
28 While in Mexico , Penn had found himself wielding not just the paintbrush but also the camera , and Liberman , fascinated by the results , nurtured Penn 's developing interest and gave him his first commission — a still-life cover for Vogue , October 1943 .
29 One suggested reason is to protect public bodies from vexatious litigants with no real interest in the outcome of the case but just a desire to make things difficult for the government .
30 It will rarely be the case that either an animal or a human will be provided with the opportunity to mate with an absolutely ideal member of the opposite sex .
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