Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This is very much the way in which the law approaches the extraction of the truth , and it is different both from the vivid imprecision of ordinary life and the intimacy of a police interrogation .
2 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
3 The inter-relationships between the flows will be at the centre of the proposed research .
4 The inter-relationships between the parts are of crucial significance .
5 Most of the current partnerships in further and higher education ( FHE ) are of this nature , even if the inter-relationships of the parties are complicated , even complex , because the employer contribution usually relates to the financial state of the firm and this may change abruptly .
6 So the rule which confers jurisdiction will also be a rule of recognition , identifying the primary rules through the judgments of the courts and these judgments will become a ‘ source ’ of law …
7 The judgments of the visitors in In re S. ( A Barrister ) [ 1970 ] 1 Q.B .
8 Conflict : Once bankers have a direct/indirect stake in the activities of a securities affiliate , investment advice to customers will no longer be impartial .
9 The autocratic leader tended to give orders , and to interrupt the activities of the boys by giving commands to do something .
10 Only the very old and infirm were excluded from the activities of the hayfields .
11 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
12 Nevertheless , the idea of judicial independence in the sense of politicians not directly interfering with the activities of the courts was not a principle upheld in the Soviet Union .
13 The Control of Pollution ( Amendment ) Act , introduced by Joan Ruddock as a private member 's bill in July 1989 , has not been effective in stopping the activities of the tippers .
14 Since , then , anyone can , at least in principle , be a producer ( since no special natural or other endowment is necessary ) , the market process , which is channelled through the activities of the producers , is competitive .
15 At the same time , despite the popular support for many of the activities of the provisionals north of the border , there is almost no popular support for terrorist activities against the established government in the South .
16 It must be admitted , however , that although there is no doubt in our own minds that preparations of the US Army in Japan are purely precautionary and defensive , seen from the Russian viewpoint , many of the activities of the Americans here may appear extremely aggressive .
17 Considerable physical migration took place — mostly , but not entirely , caused by the activities of the Russians — and some peoples were reduced in numbers almost to vanishing point , while on the other hand at least one new ethno-cultural group was formed .
18 While the ‘ Janet and John ’ type of book used to teach children to read portrays slightly less-stereotyped roles than 20 years ago , there is still a clear distinction between the activities of the males and females in the stories .
19 In his article , McAlpine calls for an inquest into the activities of the youngsters .
20 A further major goods station had been opened in 1876 at La Plaine Saint-Denis to supplement the activities of the others and by 1904 still another was required at Gennevilliers .
21 The activities of the chains , however , meant that only a third of the mornings still published in 1988 were in the same ownership as in 1945 .
22 a Newsletter , which appears three times a year and includes news of the activities of the Friends and of the Library
23 I would like to help with the activities of the Friends of the Ulster Orchestra in the following way(s) :
24 Morrison survived to be , during the next ten years , a determined exponent of events impinging upon British interests in the Far East , particularly in respect of the activities of the Germans and Russians in that area .
25 In other words , to explain or understand crime and deviance we must be at least as much concerned with the activities of the conferers of these labels as with the recipients .
26 The Speaker , Betty Boothroyd , should order an immediate inquiry into the activities of the Whips that night .
27 State publications were to be instructed and private publications " stimulated " to present the activities of the authorities in a favourable light .
28 None of these articles referred to the activities of the Parents ' Rights Group , to the joblessness and homelessness that had caused lesbians and gays to seek support from councils in the first place , to the findings of the Gay Teenage Group survey about the intimidation and isolation of lesbian and gay teenagers in state schools , to the menace of fundamentalism — or to any other feature of our oppression .
29 Still more sinister were the activities of the defeatists , ranged around the Bonnet Rouge newspaper and headed by Malvy , a former Minister of the Interior , and of the downright traitors who earned millions of francs from German sources for their work of demoralisation .
30 In other ways the activities of the councils tend to conflict with regional policy and weaken its effects .
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