Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 Then , disappearing up the stairs in the wake of the landlord 's candle , like the ghost he had first thought her , she vanished out of his life .
2 But oh , he had set her heart to racing the instant she 'd first seen him .
3 As for the muggers who injure first and rob later , there is only one thing you can do : keep your eyes open , be aware of people around you , know what they are doing and look for likely ambush spots .
4 Gold/silver medallions are awarded to the candidates who gain First and Second Place worldwide , in each Second and Third Level subject .
5 Gold/silver medallions are awarded to the candidates who gain First and Second Place in each country in each Second and Third Level subject for which the country has presented at least 200 candidates .
6 Gold/silver medallions are awarded to the candidates who gain First and Second Place worldwide , in each Second and Third Level subject .
7 Gold/silver medallions are awarded to the candidates who gain First and Second Place in each country , in each Second and Third Level subject for which the country has presented at least 200 candidates .
8 The Tess he had first loved had separated her body from her soul .
9 This was no longer the wily old ecclesiastical politician from the metropole who had first closed down Martinho 's seminary news-letter and then later , seeing which way the wind blew , had made an unholy , if tacit , alliance with Caesar in the shape of Osvaldo .
10 As the nondrinker I get first go ( why ? ) and it takes my breath away .
11 In the corridor she glanced first one way then the other before hurrying along to Jessie 's bedroom .
12 For a long time it looked as if Newcastle were going to leave with the three points they so desperately needed and it was the visitors who drew first blood .
13 This , of course , is the actual decoration of the room , the process which comes first in most areas , but certainly last in the kitchen planning sequence .
14 Charity had felt something tug at her heart the moment she had first seen this cove .
15 A MOTHER 'S instinct told Ada Hutchinson her son had been involved in a road accident the moment she heard first radio reports about the smash one Sunday morning .
16 Marguerite pulled herself together and led the way back into the room they had first entered .
17 And this must mean that the score itself came first as well — before the publication of the song-book , which was offered for sale in the theatre during the 1692 run of the show .
18 During the war he served first in the ranks in Mesopotamia and subsequently obtained a commission in the Royal Air Force .
19 Another way is to give five points to the team which finishes first and ten to the team which fills up more of the bottle in a single round .
20 Now for another session of free sailing — filling in the places you missed first time .
21 In the block we start running from just in front of the ladder , but on the night we 've first of all got to run from the block to the wire , which is twenty yards away in the nearest place and then put the ladder up .
22 For she had been wearing this dress the night she had first glimpsed the truth about her sister , a truth that was as unpalatable now as it had been then .
23 They learn that because introduces the cause , rather than the effect , before they learn that in certain circumstances , because introduces the event which happened first .
24 He had , she decided , recognised that her business did not represent the handicap he had first imagined and abandoned his quest .
25 Both of them are ‘ such knowledge of effects or appearances , as we acquire by true ratiocination from the knowledge we have first of their causes or generations : And again , of such causes or generations as may be from knowing first their effects . ’
26 He now knew less about her than the day they had first met in the post office , standing beside one another on the scrubbed hollow boards , waiting for the evening mail van to come .
27 Curiously , Branson did not dislike McLaren — Malcolm 's transparently roguish charm made him hard to dislike — but he had never trusted him from the day they had first shaken hands in Leslie Hill 's office and McLaren had failed to arrive at the Virgin offices ; failed to keep his promise .
28 ‘ I have a question , ’ whispered the penguin , feeling as small as the day she 'd first slid into the waves .
29 Somehow she doubted whether sharing with Sandra the fact that she already did regret the day she 'd first laid eyes on Matthew would be helpful to anyone .
30 It was raining when Patrick Montgomery Lundy , followed by Jane Bradley , stepped onto Irish soil , and he suddenly remembered his mother telling him that it had been raining on the day she had first come to Ireland , in the May of 1898 .
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