Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I turned up a couple of minutes early , found the door into the suite ajar and the sitting-room in darkness .
2 Her only concession to the occasion was that she wore silk , a green silk trouser-suit with the shirt open and a black camisole top beneath it .
3 A playground and playhouse keep the tots happy while the teenagers have a ball with a whole host of absorbing activities .
4 In its better forms , such as the Avro 504 and the various Moths , the wooden biplane was almost everlasting and the structure could really only be broken by flying it into the ground .
5 In this connection , therefore , the citations facilitate judicial review of what English lawyers would call the vires of the measure concerned and the procedure by which it was adopted .
6 There were other embarrassments during Lord Lane 's tenure , including the quashing of convictions against the Guildford Four and the Maguire Seven in addition to the three men convicted of the murder of Pc Keith Blakelock during the Broadwater Farm riot in north London in 1985 .
7 In a recent interview with The Spectator Lord Denning , former Master of the Rolls — one of the highest judicial positions in England — commented that he felt the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six should have been hung because everyone would then have forgotten about them .
8 The Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six were convicted of separate incidents of bombing pubs frequented by soldiers in the early 1970s as part of an IRA campaign .
9 Public confidence in the judiciary is at an all-time low — hardly surprising , considering recent miscarriages of justice such as the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six cases .
10 The Cape Town Sixteen express the very demands of the youth in Britain , like Mark Braithwaite , Engin Raghip and Winston Scott , Trevor Monerville , the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six .
11 Its objective is to make the best match between the money available and the staff resources .
12 A merger , Nicholson added , is a more viable alternative to keeping the brewery open than the planned management buy-out .
13 Statistical analysis compared the effects on transit of 5HT and its agonist and antagonists by ANOVA followed by Dunnett 's multigroup comparison , with the ia saline or the ia 5HT alone as the control groups .
14 You are not authorised to have access to any other areas of the Reserve other than the route to and from the hide .
15 Erm , under number one erm , is the Chairman aware that the er current talk in Whitehall which has given out the contracts for er new secure accommodation units in various counties that the current talk in Whitehall is that because Leicestershire does n't know its own mind because of the recent votes over secure accommodation that it 's unlikely to get one in the present er round and is n't that a damning indictment erm of the Liberal and Labour parties in this county .
16 What must always have been clear to perceptive teachers , and what is now being documented in some detail in research , is that racism and sexism are experienced in numerous different ways , depending upon the groups concerned and the educational context .
17 ‘ In many instances all that will be needed will be advice on the improvements necessary and a check later to ensure that they have been made ’ , while more serious problems need firm action .
18 As spring progresses and the days lengthen , the O 3 and NO 2 column amounts recover , and at the same time there is a steady increase in the column amount of gas-phase HNO 3 .
19 Plan for shorter days and lower temperatures , with the west wetter than the rest — but there 's always hope for an Indian Summer .
20 The hand was hot , the skin dry and the slender fingers lay in her palm like splinters of fine porcelain — she was afraid to squeeze them for fear they might snap .
21 Anthea lay as though dancing on the hot folded sand , the pale , lively hair curved as though blown out on the duck egg blue towel on which her lovely profile rested , the skin darker than the tossed gold , the marvellous bones picked out by clear-cut shadows and glitter of sweat .
22 size and reputation of the entities concerned and the prospects
23 When Yu Teng-fa , 87 , the patriarch of the Taiwanese opposition , was found dead in mysterious circumstances in October 1989 , different theories implicated both the KMT old-guard and the anti-KMT separatists in his presumed murder .
24 The £1 billion package for business and industry was exactly matched by the £1 billion that the pension funds will lose once the new ACT rules come into effect .
25 When , however , the government spends the £1 billion and the money finds its way back to the banks , the banks ' balances at the Bank of England will rise back again by £1 billion .
26 Regarding Woodhouse Close are the readers aware that the deal involves a housing association which will take over in excess of 150 of these properties ?
27 His concern for the Dunsden poor and the compassion of his war poetry are at odds with a remark he made to his mother at the outbreak of hostilities .
28 It was still dignified , the eyes clear and the bone-structure good .
29 Nothing has broken the isolation more than the light aircraft .
30 When a candidate is preparing to be interviewed ‘ on air ’ , there is usually a period of five to 10 minutes before the interview proper when a live satellite link will be sent back to network headquarters .
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