Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 To date almost 100 graduates have participated in the GEP and the majority have gone on to successfully launch their own businesses .
2 The valet had gone down on his knees , his head pressed to the floor , his whole body visibly shaking .
3 As the euphoria had gone along with an irrational faith in the Gaullist saviour , so the deepening disillusionment of 1945 , essentially an adjustment to reality , was reflected in a desanctification of the saviour figure .
4 ‘ Do the suits have to go back ? ’ he asked , fingering a lapel .
5 Moreover , at the critical moment at least one of the mines failed to go off .
6 Filming stopped the entire unit decamped for lunch , and then had to abandon the scene as the tide had gone out and the puffer dropped from its previous position at the pier .
7 ‘ Only one thing about that pool , ’ Hugh said , depositing Jacqueline wrapped in a damp towel like a warm parcel in his wife 's arms , ‘ the tide 's gone down a bit .
8 Meanwhile the East End of the city looks like a polluted , litter-strewn beach after the tide has gone out : derelict , depressed , abandoned .
9 Now the sides of the hold and the , the chains used go down , they did n't have wires they had chains go down and with a big ring on the top and then when you 'd the door out , knock the pin out and the door would drop down the mud and cos the ship would come up because she got two side tanks on er a tank each side to bring the ship out of the water .
10 At best , he would now only send fresh generals against the Christian force ; but even after El Cid 's death , much of the heart had gone out of the Moorish invaders .
11 The tour went on without them , but all the heart had gone out of it .
12 The heart had gone out of the day .
13 The shy 19-year-old who married the heir to the throne has gone on to shake the British monarchy to its roots .
14 Just less than half the money created went down that drain .
15 The House of Lords allowed the defendant 's appeal with the result that the case had to go back for a retrial eleven years after the plaintiff had suffered damage .
16 Lord Lane personally rejected the second appeal of the Birmingham Six in January 1988 saying , in words which returned to haunt him : ‘ As with many cases referred by the Home Secretary to the Court of Appeal , the longer the case has gone on , the more this court has been convinced that the jury was correct . ’
17 More current going through , changed the voltage , so it must mean the resistance has gone down .
18 About a month ago , the Oscars started going off their food , except for the occasional earthworm .
19 First , is the procedure that the buyer has to go through to claim the remedy a proper one from an administrative point of view , or is it designed to make it difficult or impossible in practice for the buyer to invoke the clause ?
20 A bungled job , the gang deserved to go down .
21 The debriefing had gone on through the afternoon and early evening in the sound-proofed rooms of their headquarters .
22 As the recession 's gone on through the eighties and enters the nineties , we can see that the number of single households , households with just one person , is increasing rapidly .
23 I was cold , tired and hungry , but there seemed little point in going to bed until the storm had gone through .
24 If the story has gone through to printing the PRO 's stock will be even lower and he should not expect very good coverage in the future .
25 I think the the key point about patriotism is one reason why perhaps people in , in Britain and so on should n't be patriotic too , but if you see the rather cynical attitude of the Western countries towards recent events , not just in Russia but right across the Eastern block , very good example was condemned , erm but when , following the massacres erm , the West has gone on to sort of do deals with the winners and cultivate links er with the people responsible for that massacre , the killing of the Soviet Union went the other way and consequently erm that 's where you know Western resources are directed .
26 Unfortunately for competition policy , such evidence will invariably be lacking , and actual conduct is all that the authorities have to go on .
27 Would n't have minded if the driver had gone in for some stronger magic — the old Christianity did n't seem to be having much effect on his driving .
28 But all the fight had gone out of her and she was afraid .
29 Yet still the budget has gone up .
30 The videotape was appropriately blurry , like the man ; the stuffing had gone out of him .
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