Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This , coupled with the notion of the magistrate as being responsible for enforcement of the judgments handed down by himself or his deputy , would surely suggest that he could give judgment for performance and enforce it specifically .
2 At the first opportunity Sarah went again to the Foundling Hospital , but she did n't approach by Guilford Street in case the porter came out of his lodge and recognized her .
3 He was prepared for a battle if the porter turned out to be as difficult a customer as his wife .
4 Eventually the porter broke away from him .
5 The porter staggered drunkenly to his feet .
6 The porter moved restlessly from one foot to another .
7 Too frightened to brave the front of the hotel , she found the staff stairs to escape by , and she hid behind a peculiarly luscious tropical plant until she saw the porter waiting perplexedly beside the taxi she 'd ordered .
8 Can you clearly , cogently and correctly define and present the copyright and Intellectual Property issues involved in the activities listed below to senior colleagues and to your directors , or to your clients if you work freelance or in an agency ?
9 a record of the activities undertaken along with any results and conclusions ;
10 Relatively simple observation of the activities going on within one 's head would produce such a phenomenological definition .
11 The system of planning controls imposes limits on their freedom to locate operations where they will or to increase the scale , or change the nature , of the activities carried on at a particular site .
12 ( ) If it appears to the Secretary of State — ( a ) that the financial affairs of any institution within the higher education sector have been or are being mismanaged ; or ( b ) that , in consequence of matters outwith the control of such an institution , it is likely that the financial position of the institution will be significantly adversely affected , he may , after consulting the Council and the institution , give such directions to the Council about the provision of financial support in respect of the activities carried on by the institution as he considers are necessary or expedient by reason of the mismanagement or , as the case may be , adverse effect on the institution 's financial position . ' .
13 The rarity of artefacts found during excavations of such farms not only affects the archaeologist 's ability to date the buildings , but also makes it extremely difficult to understand the details of the activities carried out on the farm .
14 The White Paper goes on to emphasize : ‘ It is the loss of liberty involved in carrying out the terms of the order rather than the activities carried out during the order which is the punishment ’ ( p. 18 , para. 4.4 ) .
15 It is necessary to designate one LIFESPAN user to be responsible for the operation and control of the offline system , since the activities carried out by this person are significantly more complicated than those met by most LIFESPAN users .
16 The defence relied heavily on the legal precedent of Goodchild in the House of Lords in 1978 , where Lord Diplock ruled that it was not illegal to possess naturally occurring substances even if they contained a controlled drug .
17 My respectful view , for reasons which your Lordships will have noted , is that both the contention of the defence and the court 's refutation of it were misconceived : the absence of consent on the part of the owner is already inherent in the word ‘ appropriates , ’ properly understood , and therefore the argument for the defence got off on the wrong foot and the counter-argument that the words specified by the defence can not be read into section 1(1) did not assist the prosecution .
18 However , it often seems to be the case that the prosecution and the defence move quickly towards an agreement on what happened .
19 The defence applies only to retailers and not to others in the distribution chain who can rely upon another defence of general application under s39 , namely , " due diligence " .
20 The response depends critically on the particular experimental method used to provoke it .
21 Many years ago Gross and his colleagues found neurons at higher levels in the visual pathway in which the vigour of the response varied strongly with details of the shape of an object moved about in the visual field .
22 However , you can opt to have the income paid out to you every six months , currently in May and November [ subject to the Terms and Conditions ] .
23 The income arising overseas with respect to the transfer of the asset would not be chargeable until the individual becomes ordinarily resident ( and resident ) in the United Kingdom and until such time as the Revenue can say that had the income been received by the individual in the United Kingdom it would have been chargeable to income tax .
24 Then I remember that time when the tent blew down in the snowstorm and his sleeping bag went in the slush .
25 My eyes were open , just able to discern the tent staked out over me .
26 I eat the meal inside the tent to get away from the wind , and even there I need an extra jacket .
27 During the summer months hordes of visitors regularly congregate there to eat and drink at their leisure on the paved terrace between the mellow sandstone walls of the inn itself and the river 's edge , where many sit on the low stone parapet and look below them through the clear , greenish water at the mottled dark-brown and silvery backs of the carp that rise to the surface to snap up the crisps and the crusts thrown down to them .
28 During the Permian period , about 280 million years ago , and until the start of the Mesozoic era , the continents came together in a single mass .
29 But plants left to seed have their own beauty , the seed-heads turning gradually from green to orange to rusty brown , sometimes reaching a height of 5ft , tracing delicate patterns against the sky .
30 go down the park come down to the park ?
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