Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [v-ing] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 an Aux(iliary) Input ( also a stereo 3.5 mm socket ) connects a cassette player to the GX-7 , the guitar output is mixed in and can be heard via a pair of Walkman headphones connected to the Out , the guitar appearing at the centre of the stereo image .
2 But as opposed to the exhibition of the Societe Normande de Peinture Moderne of the previous year , the majority of the artists showing at the Section d'Or were Cubists or painters directly influenced by the movement , and the effect made must have been concentrated .
3 Normally the afternoon meeting at the east Boldon track are attended by around 250 regulars , but with the attraction of a couple of free pints the gate is expected to be much bigger at tomorrow 's meeting , which starts at 2.08 pm .
4 ‘ Look , Mum , I just spent most of the afternoon staring at the man — but in fury , not admiration .
5 If there is an important and difficult question of law , however , I do not anticipate that senior judges will either feel ‘ demeaned ’ or take umbrage at the possibility of the courts looking at the question again on fuller argument .
6 The ions appearing at the foot of the most recently reconnected field lines would be more energetic than the corresponding ions on field lines that were opened by a previous pulse of reconnection .
7 The course for the MA ( Honours ) in History falls into two parts , with the division coming at the end of the second year .
8 In the church where I was converted , the service began with a muffled announcement from the back , followed by a lengthy hymn during which thirty men and women in long blue dresses , white nightshirts and yellowing ruffs walked up and down the various corridors in the building singing at the top of their voices .
9 The members wrote a letter to the authorities protesting at the increases in the cost of living , which had exacerbated problems of nutrition , health and transport .
10 Alyssia ignored his remark and concentrated on trying to cut her steak without sending all the vegetables flying at the same time .
11 He felt the blood hammering at the pit of her neck , and among the tendons at the back of his skull .
12 There was a tight thicket of new , thorny growth in the clearing , a bird darting between the branches picking at the red and blue berries that hung from the twigs .
13 It was n't the cars there , it was the cars turning at the end of the road
14 If you are an Imperial player and facing a foe that uses such despicable tactics then console yourself with the thought that at least the units firing at the Helblaster are not firing at other targets .
15 Poor Cypriots who have no option but to look on , while their boss — who is suited by Anzio , shod by Hoage 's , and shirted by Barries ’ — rants up and down the linoleum batting at the flexes of their sewing machines , and talking of productivity deals and workers ' share options .
16 The plate from which he had eaten his hamburgers and frozen green beans , which had been last night 's supper , still unrinsed in the sink ; the splatter of grease marks above the ancient gas stove ; the viscous mess of grime gumming the narrow gap between stove and cupboard ; the soiled and smelly teacloth hanging from its hook at the side of the sink ; last year 's calendar askew on its nail ; the two open shelves jammed with a conglomeration of half-used cereal packets , jars of stale jam , cracked mugs , packets of detergent ; the cheap , unstable table with its two chairs , their backs grubby from numerous clutching hands ; the linoleum curving at the wall where it had become unstuck ; the general air of discomfort , uncaring , negligence , dirt .
17 The ambulance arriving at the gates of the hospital , two men heaving back the great iron gates .
18 On the television he saw the President waving at the cameras before the doors on Air Force One closed .
19 In the end , the radical change of direction which the country took under Mrs Thatcher was the result not merely of the party donning a new suit of clothes but of the electorate despairing at the failure of thirty years of consensus politics to do anything to arrest the inexorable process of national decline .
20 There had been a revolt in Alexandria and the Caliph 's army , Mowbray 's group amongst them , had massed outside the city : the air thick with the beat of their kettledrums , the wind snapping at the huge green banners , and the silver crescents on the standards dazzling in the scorching sunlight .
21 There was the afternoon when he drove out to the Crumbles and they slept for three hours , the wind pushing at the side of the car like a crowd .
22 Cambridge were left high and dry for a time this afternoon as Oxford followed in the footsteps of many a champion boxer and left the opposition waiting at the official weigh-in .
23 If we allow women to celebrate Communion , we break the traditional idea that the priest standing at the altar is a visual representation of Jesus .
24 Before climbing a steep , stiff staircase back up the cliff to Rhossili , I paused to watch the waves licking at the oak ribs of the Helvetia — a Norwegian coaster driven aground in 1887 , whose remains are still half buried in the sand .
25 She replaced the receiver and joined Stephen , who was sitting on the terrace looking at the sea .
26 Never mind I 'll go and see Tony A drink of wine sit by the window looking at the moon and watch the shadows of the trees dancing on the wallpaper .
27 I woke up after an hour or so , and just leaned out of the window looking at the half-empty Main Street .
28 I watched the light drain away and felt the cold clawing at the earth between the tables .
29 Under the Administration of justice Act 1982 , where a will contains a devise or bequest to a child or remoter descendant of the testator , and the intended beneficiary dies before the testator , leaving issue who are living at the time of the testator 's death , then , unless a contrary intention appears in the will , the devise or bequest passes to the issue living at the testator 's death .
30 ‘ The answer to both your questions is yes , ’ she told the girl sitting at a long table on the far side of the room .
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