Example sentences of "[prep] having [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It certainly was a meeting with a difference and despite having to negotiate the national car park [ M25 ] , all enjoyed it .
2 Partners , particularly in the smaller of the merging firms , often fear that they will lose out in the merger — even to the extent of having to leave the merged firm .
3 Due to jamming , however , the tether could initially only be wound out to some 230 metres and , although it was subsequently freed , another attempt was cancelled to avoid the risk of having to jettison the Italian Space Agency satellite which had been safely recovered .
4 Mr De Haan said the original reason for going public was his father 's concern that as a private company , with no market in its shares , the family might one day be faced with the prospect of having to sell the entire business to meet death duties .
5 Some EDI users tackle the problem of having to satisfy the disparate requirements of a variety of trading partners by adding a software element which allows them to generate and read in messages in a variety of formats .
6 For England , another barren draw would end the year with a groan and put them in the position of having to begin the final run-in to the World Cup after nine months without a goal .
7 These Regulations , which came into force on 31 December 1992 , allow dormant companies that do not want to appoint auditors to use the written resolution procedure instead of having to pass the necessary special resolution in general meeting .
8 ‘ No sooner had everyone recovered from the trauma of having to reschedule the full-length play festival than we heard about Portadown .
9 ‘ I read The Can Book , ’ says Neil , uneasy with having to conduct the entire interview without the help of fellow band-members John and guitarist Nigel .
10 The violence and destruction of the pogrom aroused much criticism , but the unpopularity was mainly incurred by Goebbels and the Party rather than by Hitler — even if , according to one Sopade observer from Saxony , Hitler himself , ‘ whose name had formerly scarcely been mentioned in such discussions , ’ was ‘ increasingly reproached with having to bear the main responsibility because of his silence , his toleration , or even his blatant backing for all the events ’ .
11 ‘ And Gabby turned out to be particularly good , which saved him from having to do the usual terrible , crap jobs that the Hawaiians had to do , and he ended up playing for a living in just about every joint in Hawaii — and there were lots of them in those days , because live music was a big thing .
12 What he has done is to supply himself with a ridiculous experience by the telling of which he could entertain several hundred people , without having to undergo the dispiriting strain of suffering it first .
13 Other resisters took the risk of long-term career damage , without having to pay the ultimate price .
14 Similarly , to deal with the earthquake protection requirements at Cruas , more stringent than at most of the other sites , without having to modify the standard model , the power station was built on neoprene bearing pads capable of taking out a large part of any acceleration that might be imparted by the ground .
15 These devices are widely used by professional fund managers to gain highly cost-effective exposure to stock markets without having to buy the underlying shares .
16 Under the Act , an ultimate consumer can claim against the producer of a defective product regardless of the lack of a contractual relationship between the consumer and the producer and without having to show the basic requirements for an action in negligence .
17 Here are two domains in which blacks have risen to prominence , seemingly without having to overcome the conventional restrictions strewn around other occupations .
18 Sarah retired in 1983 with a slipped disc and was frustrated at having to leave the competitive arena before achieving her sporting ambitions .
19 Did the Prime Minister feel no sense of humiliation at having to meet the other 11 Heads of Government and having to explain to them in the most public way why the British economy was so uniquely vulnerable and fragile that we alone were unable to provide the basic minimum provisions of the social charter ?
20 A corresponding cleanup program is supplied which scans for viruses and removes them , often by having to delete the infected program .
21 A corresponding clean-up program is supplied which scans for viruses and removes them , often by having to delete the infected program .
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