Example sentences of "[prep] having [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the buyer , takes delivery and , after having a reasonable opportunity to examine the goods to see if they comply with the contract , he does some act inconsistent with the seller being the owner of them ( e.g. by selling them ) .
2 And er yo you get the impression that it 's late in the day , the sky 's a bit stormy and maybe it 's time to be thinking about er getting home and er I get the impression that that person climbing over the stile is sort of on his way home after having a super day out walking in the the Yorkshire Dales or somewhere like that .
3 But the tragic star was still critically ill on a life-support machine after having a second blood clot removed from his brain .
4 ‘ How is Uncle George ? ’ she asked , after having a deep draught of the hot liquid .
5 Mrs Probyn went missing after having a blazing row with her estranged husband Jonathan , at his house at Elmore , not far from the stretch of river where the car was found .
6 Finally , it seems , Robert Sangster 's Musicale is receiving some recognition for her fine performance on unsuitably soft ground after having a none-too-easy run .
7 The plot has still to be finalised but insiders say Marcus will find out he has AIDS after having a gay affair with Dieter , who is being written out of the show .
8 Insiders say he will get AIDS after having a gay affair with toyboy Dieter .
9 Theresa Nolan , after having a medical termination on psychiatric grounds , had left a suicide note for her grandparents which they had confirmed was in her handwriting and which made her intention to kill herself plain beyond any doubt .
10 Shortly after having the second baby , I chose to be sterilised .
11 Swift attacks like these , combined with the defence-in-depth system , fed the ‘ lucky Arsenal ’ myth , which grew as the Gunners won game after game after having the smaller share of play .
12 An inquest in Wirral heard how Andrew Venables , 20 , suffered an agonizing death after having an adverse reaction to the drug .
13 Despite having a solid base , the rod is still contorted wildly beyond belief .
14 Mr Stockdale , however , said he did not know of Mr Carway 's record , despite having a long business relationship with him .
15 Santos preaches the virtues of working legitimately for a crust and our hero merely sneers until he spies the seductive posterior of Amber Evans ( Stacey Dash ) , follows her into her swanky office and obtains a job in the mailroom despite having a criminal record to rival Al Capone .
16 Despite having a virtual monopoly of business from its " host " purchaser , the acute unit felt unable to compete successfully for GP referrals with providers on the periphery of the district because of their old buildings and facilities .
17 Despite having a unsuitable car at BRM , Lauda gave some superb performances which attracted the eye of Enzo Ferrari .
18 It showed the young Aberdeen footballer , Eoin Jess , being attended to , presumably by a qualified member of the club 's medical team , and being ‘ helped to his feet ’ as your caption noted , despite having a broken ankle .
19 Geriatric day hospitals , despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration .
20 It is a common and enormously frustrating experience for foreign language learners , presented with the opportunity to participate in authentic conversation with native speakers , to fail to join in successfully , despite having a high level of proficiency in the classroom .
21 Despite having a huge majority in the past five years of over 100 Members , they have still felt the need to do what , until he became a member of one , Lord Hailsham used to describe as playing the game of being an ’ elective dictatorship ’ .
22 O'Connor , jun , starting the day three under , hung on to finish on 142 for fourth place — still two under despite having a disastrous double-bogey 7 at the ninth in his 73 .
23 Despite having a fair share of the play throughout , Braintree never really made any real impression and what chances there were came for the visitors .
24 Despite having a fair bit to play for , the game was never better than mediocre , reinforcing the impression that England were a huge distance ahead of the field in this 1992 tournament .
25 In some countries , there are thriving societies of amateur archaeologists , usually composed of people who are enthusiastically interested in the subject , and devote much of their leisure time to it , despite having no formal training or professional qualifications .
26 Despite having the heaviest postbag in the Royal Family , Diana enjoyed skimming through the scores of letters which found their way on to her desk every day .
27 Despite having the smaller pack , they were always on top in the scrums and scored two pushover tries , both touched down by McGrath .
28 Despite having the healthiest club scene , Glasgow still specialises in churning out cod soul .
29 The crossing to Ostend was uneventful , with Fabia , when not hoping with all she had that everything would be all right with Barney , trying to come to terms with the fact that , despite having an innate aversion to lies and deception , she had just about agreed to practise both .
30 For despite having an open mind in many ways , his attitude to women and their problems had always been the conventional one of the young aristocrat he had once been .
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