Example sentences of "[prep] water [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although today 's bore was n't that high , coupled with the recent rains a massive volume of water surged down the River Severn .
2 Galilee , the big tree-fringed pond by the pit where his father worked , a stretch of water ruffled by the wind when he first saw it .
3 Throwing back the covers she was about to get out of bed , when the far wall suddenly exploded inwards and a broiling mass of water burst into the room .
4 All of a sudden the far wall exploded inwards and a broiling mass of water burst into the room .
5 Outside , another fierce white explosion of water burst over the side , carried by the screaming banshee of a wind on to the armoured glass plate of the bridge .
6 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
7 ( p. 43 ) .2 They do not distinguish sharply between animate and inanimate : thus " the bush went away " and " a puddle of water lay across the trail " ( p. 11 ) will be interpreted differently by the people and the reader : they attribute volition to such entities , we do not .
8 The same went for the glass underfoot ; another half-metre of water lay underneath the transparent slabs which made up the floor , gurgling under the scratched surface and around the slaty pedestals supporting the columns above .
9 Then a few drops of water fell on the side and fell right down to earth .
10 A quick curtain of water fell across the plains but by the end of the day they were as dry as ever .
11 He could still recall the sodden weight of the man , hanging from the iron rings upon the outer wall — the struggle to haul him up — the rush of water spewed from the gaping mouth as they turned him over … .
12 Gallons of water cascaded over the side of the bath and through his private rooms at Buckingham Palace .
13 Pools of water gleamed in the steely greyness before the dawn .
14 The solid wall of water exploded against the side of the ship , falling inboard in a white avalanche as Titron heeled over .
15 A runlet of water trickled past the end of the hut .
16 Torrents of water sluiced through the stands , drowning pitch , players and spectators .
17 The light of water showed through the tree trunks as they drew close to the narrow wood along the lake but once on the fringe of the trees they lost all resentment at the sight of the thick floor of bluebells beneath the trees .
18 A packet of aspirin and half a glass of water stood on the tray on his desk .
19 A glass of water stood on the table beside the rose-shaded lamp , along with a torch and a candle and a box of matches in a pretty pottery holder .
20 Using mercury-poisoned human skin fibroblasts ( fibrous tissue cells ) in culture , the Boiron workers obtained protective effects with some potencies of Mercurius corrosivus as compared with water potentized to the same level .
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