Example sentences of "[prep] fact [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Having read the transcript of evidence and having reviewed the findings of fact made by the deputy judge , I can find nothing the matter with his conclusion that the onus of establishing testamentary capacity had not been discharged .
2 The gap between mortality rates for the two groups has in fact widened since the 1930s , when the rates were 10 per cent below the average for professional and managerial workers , and 11 per cent above for unskilled workers .
3 Although commonly known as the Founder 's Jewel , it is doubtful whether it was in fact bequeathed to the College by William of Wykeham .
4 Confused data on peasant landownership and family size made it virtually impossible to make accurate assessments , so that for many provinces only half of the taxable land per head was in fact recorded in the tax lists .
5 It is a matter for serious consideration whether the legal authority should be required to do anything more than establish identity and ascertain that the person was in fact killed as the result of an aircraft accident rather than deliberate sabotage .
6 The houses were in fact built in the eighteen hundreds to a design by Sydney Smirke for Bethlem Hospital .
7 If the form of such relations is in fact reordered at the level of consciousness to appear as an exploitation of things , then the effect is to reduce the sensation of the violence of exploitation and also to legitimize the relations of dominance .
8 So there was some basis for supposing that the appellants had been informed in writing , that their obligation was only not to sell the property , rather than the wider terms which in fact applied to the injunction .
9 If , however , the motor trader defendant is not responsible for turning back the mileometer and covers up the reading , the motor trader should be able to escape from liability on the basis that no false description was in fact applied to the goods ( s1(1) ( b ) ) .
10 As chairman of the ASB , he is not in fact involved in the Review Panel 's work .
11 ( The poll-tax was in fact extended in the same year to Esthonia and Livonia for these reasons . )
12 A commission of enquiry confirmed this assessment , and the Governor was withdrawn , though his period of service had in fact ended in the winter of 60/61 , so Tacitus would appear to magnify a grievance to make a political point in favour of his hero whose memoirs he may have used for his Annals .
13 The provisions as described on p. 38314 , however , were in fact adopted for the ( separate ) emergency mechanism of the Prague-based CSCE committee of senior officials .
14 The Tales of the Genii , a favourite book of CD 's childhood , purporting to be a translation from the Persian by ‘ Sir Charles Morell ’ , in fact written by the Revd James Ridley ( 1736–65 ) .
15 It was in fact written by the Prime Minister .
16 Anthropology has in fact developed as the science of the evolution of human society and many early anthropological works take the form of natural histories of mankind .
17 Tindle had in fact recognised in the flattened-out planks a standard trick whereby the decorative nature of the composition is reinforced .
18 It is certainly true that at the time of the Butler Education Act the school curriculum was not much discussed in public , although certain assumptions about its content were in fact incorporated in the Act .
19 The Zahringer Dukes extended the castle from 1127 onward , and it is one of Switzerland 's earliest brick buildings ; the town alongside it on the ridge grew in proportion to its strategic importance and was in fact incorporated in the walled defences by the Kyburg dynasty which followed the Zahringers .
20 The assistants were in fact appointed by the LEA to work primarily with ‘ named ’ children .
21 The discussions at the Special Commission held in 1977 to review the working of the Convention revealed that ‘ a great number ’ of extra-judicial documents were in fact sent under the Convention .
22 In this there was a concerted movement " — is misleading , and is in fact contradicted by the map ( Figure 7.2 ) .
23 He said that a solid body moving through a fluid medium such as air was in fact propelled by the air , which was cleft by the moving body and then rejoined behind it to provide the forward drive , for there could be no such thing as a vacuum , that is , mere nothingness .
24 Imagine the horror on my beloved 's face when he discovered I had in fact flung in the rubbish his much prized and read collection of Guitarist magazines !
25 This process works less effectively , to be sure , when people disagree , as inevitably they sometimes will , about which principles are in fact assumed by the explicit rules and other standards of their community .
26 Prior to the invention of photocopying machines , the preparation of an epitome of title in the way described above was not possible , and this meant that abstracts of title had to be created by our predecessors , who were in fact charged with the duty of tracing title back over 30 or 40 years or more .
27 ( 2 ) On receiving the claim the Board shall inquire into the matter and shall , subject to the provisions of this section , give by way of repayment such relief … in respect of the error or mistake as is reasonable and just : Provided that no relief shall be given under this section in respect of an error or mistake as to the basis on which the liability of the claimant ought to have been computed where the return was in fact made on the basis or in accordance with the practice generally prevailing at the time when the return was made . …
28 Cell 4/31 shows that a substantial issue of company securities was in fact made by the government in 1987 and the same picture would be revealed in the 1986 flow of funds matrix .
29 This proclamation was in fact made in the English language in Worcester on 4 July .
30 Given the singularly uncertain nature of the ‘ military control ’ which British forces in fact exercised at the time , one can sympathize with Mr Dennis when he remarks that ‘ this display of self-assurance can only be described as breathtaking ’ .
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