Example sentences of "[prep] whether a [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 This progress occurs regardless of whether a child shows emotional and behavioural disturbance .
2 The test of whether a surface needs disinfection can be made by applying the definition to a working situation .
3 The issue of whether a church represents a significant body of opinion is a matter for the decision of the licensing board .
4 The guideline of whether a dispute has been formulated between the parties has recently been restated in Ipswich Borough Council v Fisons plc [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 108 .
5 None of those factors , er I hope we can agree , have any relevance at all do they to the issue of whether a site performs one of the five greenbelt functions ?
6 Exclusive possession as a concept for identifying tenancies does not drive a coach and horses through the Rent Acts but rather puts the cart before the horse : a phrase used to describe the collective rights of the tenant is inappropriate as a test of whether a tenancy has in fact been created .
7 After all , teachers are not generally too concerned with whether a child learns exactly what the average length of a brontosaurus was , or exactly how wide apart railway lines are , but they should be concerned that the child has the skills necessary to find out that information should it be required .
8 ‘ 7(1) In the course of an investigation into whether a person has committed an offence under section 4 or 5 of this Act a constable may , subject to the following provisions of this section and section 9 of this Act , require him — ( a ) to provide two specimens of breath for analysis by means of a device of a type approved by the Secretary of State , or ( b ) to provide a specimen of blood or urine for a laboratory test .
9 Unfortunately , the division of the test into whether a duty exists and whether it has been broken , means that the court will have to consider similar factors for both .
10 However , it is a knowledge of what happens behind the program that makes all the difference in whether a page looks good or not .
11 In terms of the disposition of the executive 's programmes , however , the Congress retains great influence over whether a president gets the legislation he is after and in what form it will become law .
12 In situations where doubt exists as to whether a transaction has resulted in an asset or expense what questions should be posed ?
13 Jung 's distinction drew attention to whether a person relates predominantly to others and less to the self or vice versa .
14 Thus , the decision as to whether a file takes up more space in serial or inverted form depends on the ratio of the size of the key and the data items .
15 Conversely , it has been accepted that the court may inquire as to whether a visitor intends to act outside his jurisdiction and in a proper case to grant a writ or order of prohibition to restrain him : Bishop of Chichester v. Harward , 1 Durn. & E. 650 ; see also Bently v. Bishop of Ely , 1 Barn.K.B. 192 .
16 I think the point has been made er and let me er ask you to correct me if I if you do n't i it 's a fair assessment , the point that 's really being made is there is a judgmental issue here as to whether a surplus arises from over-funding by an employer er substantial investment performance or or effectively unfair claiming between either the deferred pensioners or the pensioners and i it can be that all of those interests have to put into the pot and it 's a judgment as to who actually is doing best in what circumstances .
17 For Dr Richard Gill , senior executive in the Pharmaceuticals Division at the British Technology Group , which helps industry seek out and develop new technology originating in universities and institutes , the decision on whether a project goes ahead rests in part on animal welfare issues .
18 ( In the Penn country one can tell who is anyone — it depends on whether a woman kisses Lady Curzon or not . )
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