Example sentences of "[prep] man [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Here Marx and Engels decided that the understanding of man depends on the understanding of men in society and history , not on understanding philosophical controversy Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations , 1857–8 The next work of Marx and Engels , after The German Ideology , to discuss the history of human society was The Communist Manifesto of 1848 .
2 The one in particular I 'm referring to you will see we 'd all see the Son of Man , they they 'd recognised that reference to himself Son of Man , they 'd recognised that because that comes out of the Old Testament Book of Daniel does n't it , the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty coming with the clouds of heaven .
3 And the fall of man resulted in the curse of separation falling upon the whole of the human race and its future history .
4 The attempt to grasp this difference and to put it into words is a recurrent theme of Formen , especially because the secondary theme is to understand the contradiction which arises when the two opposed conceptions of man occur in the same society in periods of transition .
5 Dogs raised in the presence of man behave in the way we expect of them .
6 Death mystery of man found in the river
7 Plane takes off with man riding on the tail
8 Culture in man depends on the development of psychological traits not found in other primates .
9 Virchow , it is worth noting , provided a precedent for the suggestion when he held that the simian cast to bones of Neanderthal man reflected not a separate line in the evolution of Homo but rickets in man living during the Wu∘rm ice age .
10 Is it ethical for man to interfere with the genetic constitution and physiological functions of living organisms , especially of man and the higher animals , in order to make them perform in a different way ?
11 a good deal of egocentricity and naivety is necessary to believe that man has taken refuge in a single one of the historical or geographical modes of his existence , when the truth about man resides in the system of their differences and common properties .
12 You had best to call them generally man by man according to the Scrip .
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