Example sentences of "[prep] more [conj] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Very often despite more and more sophisticated ways of manipulating data , the actual measuring sensor is still an old-fashioned thermocouple or flow measurement device .
2 The Queen 's arrival at the New Church of Christ the Cornerstone in Milton Keynes was the beginning of more than just another royal visit .
3 It is important to bear in mind , however , that muscle tension can be the result of more than just bad posture or wrong use of the body .
4 Giving Martin Bramah and Marcia Scofield the flick has deprived them of more than just some choppily percussive guitar phrasings and deft keyboard work .
5 Giving Martin Bramah and Marcia Scofield the flick has deprived them of more than just some choppily percussive guitar phrasings and deft keyboard work .
6 It is precisely this capacity for renewed interpretation that makes literature of more than simply historical interest .
7 The results of the research will be of more than purely academic interest , insofar as the rigorous identification and description of the structure of the arms trade would appear to be a necessary prerequisite for any discussion of multi-lateral restraints .
8 A single sentence of more than about four lines puts unreasonable demands on your reader : Since Etherege ( writing in a later period than Wycherley and recognising a greater desire for a new " Man of Mode " ) recognises that love , sex and inheritance are still important considerations , which he also criticises , both playwrights can be said to expose hypocrisy rather than improve society , as heroes and heroines are constantly undermined by the contrasts created in the new social order and the codes of morality being set up which are both critical and celebratory .
9 It would not be reasonably foreseen that these accounts would still be relied upon by any banker acting in the ordinary course of business as a basis for assessing the then creditworthiness of Berg after the passage of more than about 15 months from the end of the period covered by the accounts .
10 Darwin ( 1871 ) remains an excellent review of the sexual characters of animals , with many thoughtful comments that are still relevant and are of more than merely historical interest .
11 Such an ability would be of more than merely theoretical interest : there are specialists , detectives one might almost say , who can take enormous quantities of program in a lower-level language ( not binary numbers , but normally machine code or something a little ‘ higher ’ ) and make plausible guesses as to what they actually do at a higher level of description ; or rather , given that they are told what the program was designed to do , work out how it accomplished the task and by what ‘ higher-level ’ steps .
12 This study looked at the responses of more and less arithmetically-able pupils .
13 Since the end of the last war more and more of our food has been subjected to factory processing , with the concomitant addition of more and more chemical additives to counteract the deterioration in taste , texture , colour and palatability which the processing of food brings about .
14 Add to the enlarged programme of prison building , the feeding and housing of more and more convicted prisoners , the costs of the exploding remand population , and expenditure on the justice system presents a stark contrast with the swingeing cutbacks of other areas in the public sector .
15 And I think as time 's gone on our party had just realized wit the stresses and strains of more and more right wing pressure to destroy workers rights and drive wages down .
16 Much as technology seems to gather pace with the development of more and more sophisticated equipment so do the methods employed by the many users .
17 In the past two and half years it has risen four times in real terms to pay for the publication of more and more glossy pamphlets such as the parents charter — party political propaganda produced at the taxpayers ' expense .
18 In this way a process of evolution was started that led to the development of more and more complicated , self-reproducing organisms .
19 Eventually adults become members of more and more dyadic , small and large group communication systems .
20 The second possibility , that there is an infinite sequence of more and more refined theories , is in agreement with all our experience so far .
21 Thus it does seem that the sequence of more and more refined theories should have some limit as we go to higher and higher energies , so that there should be some ultimate theory of the universe .
22 For most people nowadays , any mention of computers conjours up vague images of more or less two things : either Sonic the Hedgehog , or a shapeless , grey , John-Majorish boredom .
23 Secondly , changes in the labour market and the increased participation of women in employment has raised questions about the extent to which lone mothers — like more and more married mothers — should be expected to take paid employment ( Brown , 1989 ) .
24 And then that general principle of Equity , which began as the mere application of moral sense to particular cases , develops into more and more definite rules .
25 What was barely tolerable before 1914 became increasingly intolerable to the mass of the population , as the enemy forces pushed the Tsarist regime into more and more desperate expedients to raise the finance and manpower with which to conduct the war .
26 The Prince needed sound advice , particularly as he moved into more and more controversial areas .
27 The public-interest objective is harder to reject , because it is eminently reasonable that public policy should be concerned with more than just economic efficiency , though it clearly generates considerable uncertainty for firms about what they may and may not do .
28 We are concerned , then , with more than simply linguistic competence .
29 Another deme with more than purely parochial status was Piraeus , whose demarch was a state appointment ( Ath .
30 With more and more low fat alternatives available in supermarkets , it 's important to make the right choice .
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