Example sentences of "[prep] any time during [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact it could simply have been broken off Lord Heptonstall 's boots at any time during the night .
2 ( To reduce the risk of over-speeding with modern machines , the airbrakes can be opened fully at any time during the spin or the recovery . )
3 It was indulging in a relatively straightforward exercise in civil engineering which could have been undertaken at any time during the last 100 years or more .
4 Despite a £750,000 Government campaign , only 31,942 overseas residents have taken advantage of legislation giving the vote to expatriates who have lived in Britain at any time during the past 20 years .
5 An absentee , according to the 1950 Israeli law , includes anyone who , between 20 November 1947 and the ending of the State of Emergency , was ‘ a legal owner of any property situated in the area of Israel … and who , at any time during the said period , was a national or citizen of the Lebanon , Egypt , Syria , Saudi Arabia , Trans-Jordan , Iraq or the Yemen or was in one of these countries or in any part of Palestine outside the area of Israel …
6 These gaps will be filled by indigenous species such as poa annua which can form seed at any time during the year .
7 Provided death has not occurred , the policy may be reinstated at any time during the following twelve months on payment of all unpaid premiums together with an addition for late payment .
8 Provided death has not occurred , the policy may be reinstated at any time during the following twelve months on payment of all unpaid premiums together with an addition for late payment .
9 Send in the form at any time during the year , but it only takes effect at the beginning of the next tax year , in April .
10 However , deaf people were in danger at any time during the blackouts .
11 Save this to be eaten at any time during the day ( in addition to your other meals ) when you begin to feel hungry and vulnerable to eating temptations .
12 Kenco ground coffee is the perfect choice at any time during the day whether it 's for a special occasion or not .
13 As the lessor can elect to waive the exemption from VAT at any time during the term granted , the contingency principle is in point .
14 A superb relaxing refreshing decongesting natural treatment ideal in the morning or at any time during the day — even over make-up .
15 However , should the excess fares and/or office allowance increase at any time during the three year period adjustments will be made .
16 ‘ My mum is a bit upset , ’ says Zara , ‘ but we had a lovely letter from Mr Evans saying that he would pay for me to return home at any time during the first three months in England , which we were very grateful for . ’
17 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
18 ‘ ( 1 ) In any relevant proceedings , the court may , at any time during the proceedings in that court , make an order that a party pay the whole or any part of the costs of any other party .
19 Give the names of all persons who were directors at any time during the year .
20 Give the names of all persons who were directors at any time during the year .
21 Disclose the names of persons who were directors at any time during the year .
22 The sea waybill also allows the consignor to vary his delivery instructions to the carrier at any time during the carriage .
23 Further specialist assessments by other members of the team may take place at any time during the episode of care if they are considered necessary .
24 In Britain elections to the House of Commons , from which the government is formed , must be held at least every five years ( until Parliament says otherwise ) but may be held at any time during the five years , for example there were only eight months between elections in 1974 and the average length of a parliament is around four years .
25 In addition it must give the names of all persons who at any time during the financial year were directors of the company and describe the principal activities of the company and its subsidiaries and any changes therein during the course of the year .
26 The only other exclusion from the exemption is that it does not apply if at any time during the relevant accounting period the unlimited company carried on business as the promoter of a trading stamp scheme within the meaning of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 .
27 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
28 We firmly believe that unless this is done it is possible that minerals companies could activate these permissions either tomorrow , at any time during the 20 year period , or beyond .
29 We firmly believe that unless this is done it is possible that minerals companies could activate these permissions either tomorrow , at any time during the 20 year period , or beyond .
30 A clause inserted by Lord Muncaster reserved for himself the right " at any time during the said 21 yrs " , if he so wished , to become a " partner of ¼ in the concern " by paying a " full part of the expenses from the commencement thereof of working the same … "
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