Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training .
2 ‘ We are offering free 30-minute sessions to farmers during which we talk them through their production and marketing systems using whatever figures they know .
3 Shortly afterwards PW held a meeting with the BCCI directors during which it gave them a comprehensive account of the frauds and malpractices .
4 Lewis organized ‘ Beer and Beowulf ’ evenings for his pupils , during which he taught them to chant mnemonics to master the processes of sound-change :
5 We would ask the reader to bear in mind from the outset , however , that we write from the viewpoint of the English urban sub-culture , in which we are not only fieldworkers and observers but life members ; nevertheless , we believe that the English and American complexes of parental experience show very many points of coincidence , both historically and contemporaneously , both in the things that parents do and in the reasons for which they do them : and that , therefore , a discussion in these terms will have a validity for parent-child behaviour on both sides of the Atlantic .
6 Disenfranchisement takes place in a second , procedural , sense , by virtue of the almost total absence of opportunities for ordinary people to take part in , and effectively contribute to the decision-making process at whatever level , in the outcome of which they feel they have an interest .
7 The frequency with which they make them varies .
8 In this situation , age-regression under hypnosis can be of immense value , allowing patients to free-float back under their own control to any past relevant events with which they feel they can cope , but not forcing the issue in any way .
9 I take it you are familiar with our songs and the aloof sophistication with which we present them … well , kindly desist from cavorting like a chimp with a roman candle up its arse and get on with it !
10 Meredith 's senses were alerted to his hard , firm male body , the command with which he manoeuvred them around the square , the pressure of his fingers against her supple spine .
11 Likewise , Edwin Land inspired his employees not only with his inventions , but also with the evocative imagery with which he surrounded them .
12 Nor was my father in any way unusual in his opinions , though he was unusually fierce in the vehemence with which he expressed them .
13 Only the style and tone with which he expressed them evolved in unison with the avatars of a progressively deepening international crisis .
14 While unable to sympathise with Hewlett 's aesthetic sufferings , I find it impossible not to admire the iron nerve with which he chronicles them .
15 Can I help it if this foolish woman — and others like her — have misunderstood the courtesy with which I treat them ? ’
16 Instinctively Creggan crept closer to Minch , as did Kraal on the far side of her , trying to catch her whispered words , which seemed to drift as slow and powerful as the mist into which she spoke them .
17 Nonetheless , the main thrust of Kandel 's findings and the theoretical framework within which he set them during the 1970s and 1980s have until recently scarcely been challenged .
18 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
19 the types of products that these companies make and the markets in which they sell them ;
20 In determining whether the defendants ought to be held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher , the learned judge considered that he ought to pay regard to ( i ) the quantities of combustible materials which the defendants brought onto the land ; ( ii ) the way in which they stored them ; and ( iii ) the character of the neighbourhood .
21 In particular there is the intriguing finding that some amnesics can learn certain new skills as quickly as normal subjects , even though they are often unable to remember the circumstances in which they learnt them .
22 These video records will be used to identify the words which the children produce and the situations in which they produce them .
23 Under any other business Humphrey challenged ha reported that he had challenged British Nuclear advertising campaign in which they claimed they 're going to cause pollution .
24 Obvious indicators are the books schools or parents buy for children and the priority in which they buy them , the volume of work in exercise books and the care with which it is corrected as well as the actual , as distinct from the official , allocation of teaching time .
25 During our game with Sporting Hydra Chemicals in which we trounced them before going down 1–0 , Duncan Pugh 's false beard came off in a goal-mouth fracas and he was questioned , at length , by referee Bobby Maxwell .
26 But according to Derrida , neither language nor literature is a stable object , because neither the language of the texts we read , nor the language of the discourse in which we discuss them , is exempt from différance .
27 Secondly , what is or is not needless killing will again be determined by the role of the animals in the practices in which we employ them .
28 You may find that your till has different buttons , or that the order in which you press them is different .
29 The type of drills and the order in which you construct them will depend on the structure of the new language and also on your own language background which to a certain extent determines in what area you will find difficulties .
30 Your work is n't lost ; you just have to merge your styles in from the document in which you created them .
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