Example sentences of "[prep] which [verb] its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was the highlight of a generally flat year for Olivetti , during which saw its market share rise to 6.1% from 5.8% .
2 The compensation claim covered a period between 1919 and 1967 when Nauru was under Australian administration , during which time its phosphates were extracted and sold at below market prices .
3 Between 1973 and 1981 he was general manager at the Golf View Hotel in Nairn , during which time its turnover increased by 800% .
4 Now that each party has formal election procedures through which to choose its Leader , the Queen in normal circumstances will not have to make a personal choice between rival candidates for Prime Minister , a choice which she had to make in 1957 and in 1963 before the Conservative Party adopted election rules .
5 As it happens , Baden has more than commercial prosperity for which to thank its industries .
6 The final possibility is to " hive up " the trade from Target to Newco , so that Newco commences trading and generates trading income out of which to fund its interest payments directly .
7 As has been recorded in this chapter , the principal anti-cancer drugs have been discovered either as a by-product of military research financed by government or by research in the pharmaceutical industry , much of which had its roots in research not primarily concerned with cancer .
8 He speaks of one of the ‘ largest and compleatest works in the kingdom for making iron and steel wire ’ , much of which found its way around the county in the form of ‘ cards ’ for the woollen industry .
9 My Department received more than 800 representations in response to the consultation paper , ’ A New Tax for Local Government ’ , most of which welcomed its principles .
10 Alternatively , use mushrooms , one of which has its stem for the trunk portion .
11 Let him see therein an infinity of universes , each of which has its firmament , its planets , its earth , in the same proportion as in the visible world …
12 The extent of illness has been measured in different ways , each of which has its strengths and weaknesses as an index of morbidity .
13 Whether or not the cells that enter the feather germs make pigment is controlled by the feather germs , each of which has its set of positional values — each feather has its own address .
14 The quality principles provide the foundation for the system and give a set of benchmarks against which to test its calibre .
15 ‘ Having no challengers , capitalism now has no mirror in which to examine itself , no alter ego against which to measure its performance .
16 Parties to CITES must give the secretariat the finances with which to do its job and not oblige it to raise its own funds in ways which lead to question and criticism . ’
17 Given the link the Government has forged between the collection of data for the local tax and the registration of the very same individuals for the vote , the cost of non-payment will be the loss of the remaining political clout the underclass has with which to fight its way back into mainstream Britain .
18 When confronted with the head 's and the governors ' account of the financial and other resources with which to achieve its implementation , few members of staff would feel able to contribute to the debate .
19 The report , Open Borders , Broken Promises , claims that Poland faces " a future of economic exploitation and further environmental decay as it seeks international capital with which to rebuild its industry and economy " .
20 These factors can be broken down into a number of sets for the purposes of different sections of the UCTA , and probably form the most useful framework under which to analyse its effect .
21 However , his on-the-spot tours of inspection , and his characteristically thorough investigations of the region 's peoples , problems and resources , quickly convinced him of Siberia 's enormous potential as a land of civilization and plenty , if only it could be provided with the necessary administrative , legal and political framework within which to develop its promise .
22 Another farmer , Crematogaster borneensis , is no less solicitous ; it excavates chambers in the stems of the Macaranga tree ( a member of the spurge family ) in which to shelter its brood and its livestock .
23 It was symbolic , perhaps , of the deep-rooted nature of national instincts that the ECSC could not agree upon a single language in which to conduct its activities .
24 The octopus has no trace of a shell within the flesh of its body , but one species , the argonaut , secretes from one of its arms a marvellous paper-thin version shaped very like a nautilus shell but without chambers , which it uses not as a home for itself but as a delicate floating chalice in which to lay its eggs .
25 Thus nowadays a company may have less than a decade in which to recoup its investment .
26 The company may be given more time in which to submit its return under s 118(2) , TMA 1970 , but this must be agreed with the inspector .
27 Even so , the propaganda which set out to promote the aggrandizement of the figure of Franco , almost to the point of beatification , could not have succeeded without fertile ground in which to plant its seeds .
28 The left has only a small window of opportunity in which to put its views across ; it needed every week and month it could get .
29 As an example , take a spider in which each individual needs to find a good place in which to put its web , but good places for making webs are in short supply .
30 The project decided that the conferences already organized in a variety of subject disciplines would be the best medium in which to achieve its aims , and consequently its primary objective has been to assist in planning/executing bibliographic instruction-related programmes at these conferences .
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