Example sentences of "[prep] so [adv] as it " in BNC.

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31 Of all the uniformed organizations , the Boys ' Life Brigade founded in Nottingham by the Revd John Brown Paton , was the most distinctive in so far as it appeared to be non-military , committed as it was to the principles of life-saving , even though it had a BB-style uniform and a military command structure .
32 This request gives rise to an action for the coheirs to obtain Titius ’ share of the estate in so far as it exceeds that sum .
33 The emperor 's approach is to adhere to that principle and hold the trust to be valid in so far as it does not conflict with it : that is , as far as the daughter benefited under her father 's will .
34 For when a religion is put into a position where its , albeit necessary , business activities appear in the eyes of its followers , to be outweighing in importance its original purpose , it ceases to be of the slightest use in so far as it is able to fulfil one of its most important reasons for existence , that is , to provide a satisfactory code of behaviour to be observed in that area of human conduct which can be considered as being subject to moral law .
35 This first period then must be considered as being completely ‘ godless ’ in so far as it would be able to provide any kind of being that could fulfil the human need for a ‘ god ’ .
36 Conversely , the flexibility of partnership management in so far as it is free from the formalities of meetings and public notification of decisions may be more attractive than the requirements of the Companies Acts on these issues .
37 Some writers have held that the essential thing about medieval law was that it was discovered , not made ; in so far as it was valid and sound , it was a reflection of divine law ; it partook of the nature of what in more recent times has been called ‘ fundamental law ’ .
38 This activity , in so far as it is successful , will be inflationary because , to maintain their profit margins , the ‘ following ’ industries will be forced to raise their prices .
39 For this reason EC Directives in the 1960s provided for the repeal of such legislation ( in so far as it affected nationals of member states ) as the requirement of West German law that foreign companies wishing to pursue business activities in West Germany must obtain special authorisation from the West German authorities .
40 Article 86 prohibits the abuse of dominant market positions within the Common Market in so far as it may affect trade between member states : the fact that a business has a dominant or monopoly position is not in itself prohibited .
41 Wealth is only desirable in so far as it enables them to indulge in litigation , and the height of their ambition is to succeed in a case , especially if thereby their enemy is punished . ’
42 In so far as it was possible to control the number of children they had , a significant number of Victorian parents were beginning to do so — if only because of the simple fact that the fewer sons and daughters there were , the more could be done to give each of them a good start in life .
43 Hinshaw makes a distinction between the ‘ cognitive ’ and ‘ evocative ’ contents of knowledge suggesting that the ‘ truth ’ , at the semantic and syntactic levels , can be considered in isolation from the social basis of knowledge in so far as it can be shown to be cognitive rather than evocative .
44 The implications of the medical diagnosis in so far as it is likely to affect the child 's education will need to be considered and attention given to the prognosis , especially if it involves the possibility of progressive deterioration of sight .
45 I am inclined to say that ‘ Here ’ , in answer to ‘ Where are you ? ’ is true only in so far as it basks in the reflected glory of such genuine truths as , ‘ Here ’ , said as I point into the flower-vase , having been asked , ‘ Where is it ? ’ in the course of a game of hunt-the-thimble .
46 So ( v ) what a person says , using the first person singular , present tense , of a psychological verb , is true or false precisely in so far as it is an expression of what he has inwardly observed .
47 Is what was said earlier — what a person says , using the first person singular , present tense , of a psychological verb , is true or false precisely in so far as it is an expression of what he has inwardly observed — true of ‘ I know ’ ?
48 There are the careerists amongst the senior management of the school , some of whom will seem to have ‘ sold out to the system ’ : to affect a philosophy in so far as it looks in their own interests to do so , to have become executives and to have lost touch with the pupils .
49 Dan Graham has always been about geometry , at least in so far as it informs the quasi-architectural environments he makes ( have you yet been delightfully disoriented by the series of glass-walled , open-to-the-sky rooms he has constructed on the roof of the DIA Art Center 's Chelsea outpost ? ) .
50 The chapter sets the tenor for the whole work in so far as it tries to examine the social conditions under which blacks became involved in sport , first in the USA and then in Great Britain .
51 The churches need to be able to play a part in the moral education of people , in so far as it is possible , and one way is through schools .
52 In fact , another species of bee that communicates about food sources ( Apis florica ) does so in the same way except in so far as it wiggles in the horizontal rather than the vertical plane , and so can indicate directly the angle of the food source from the sun .
53 The history of the Ottoman Empire , for example , is only dealt with here in so far as it immediately affects non-Turkish Europe .
54 However and whenever it was first formulated , this pangenetic reduction of every mode of generation to micro-ovulo-gemmation could take inheritance , in so far as it was completely conservative , to be effected by an exact replication of a whole in all its parts ; so that variation , reversion and so on are explicable as disturbances , suspensions and complications of that fundamental replicative tendency .
55 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
56 The position is different in so far as it affects the duty solicitor scheme .
57 In so far as it comments extensively on his main life work , usually but not always positively , it seems more appropriate that his contribution , while fully acknowledged , should be classified as ‘ informal ’ .
58 Law and custom thus defend the family as the prime agent of socialisation only in so far as it fulfils the task currently prescribed .
59 Things happened in this period that profoundly influenced sociological thinking in particular , and especially in so far as it related to crime and criminals ; they led to a comprehensive rejection of the most cherished principles of positivist criminology .
60 This ‘ immediacy ’ of meaning in oral society he relates to the society 's functional needs , citing Malinowski 's claim that ‘ in the Trobriands the outer world was only named in so far as it yielded useful things ’ ( ibid . ) .
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