Example sentences of "[prep] all [art] world 's " in BNC.

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1 Previously they have kept a vice-like grip on the national purse , pointing out that the government 's debt of ¥165 trillion ( $1.2 trillion ) is bigger than the combined debt of all the world 's poor countries together .
2 America is the biggest single air-travel market , accounting for more than 40% of all the world 's airline passengers .
3 The greatest of all the world 's waters , of course , are the oceans ; and they are the subject of the next chapter .
4 The chain of volcanoes which girdles the Pacific is known appropriately enough as the ‘ Ring of Fire ’ , and although it 's a much more complex , disjointed affair than it may seem from this brief summary , it is unquestionably one of the Earth 's greatest physical features , and contains a large proportion of all the world 's volcanoes .
5 When the next one met , attracting three-quarters of all the world 's 1,050 or so Catholic bishops , it was in the basilica of St Peter 's for the first Vatican Council .
6 Of all the world 's great wild mammals , few have suffered so dreadfully this century as the black rhino .
7 SIR — Gaston and Mound consider that ‘ for the foreseeable future , description of all the world 's species will remain impossible ’ .
8 It is hardly surprising that the Indonesians have been so profoundly affected by their kinetic environment , for theirs is the most tectonic nation on earth , boasting some 34 per cent of all the world 's active volcanoes , and registering an average of three earthquakes a day measuring over 5 on the Richter scale .
9 Mexico produced no less than one-third of all the world 's silver , together with copper , lead , gold , and many agricultural products .
10 But we also need the broad generalizations that help show whether we are closer to meeting the basic needs of all the world 's people than we were at the start of the 1970s .
11 But that 's about all the world 's media , camped outside his house in Park Road in Abingdon , got to see of the retired bank manager .
12 Mrs Thatcher said : ‘ We have proposed a global convention — a sort of good conduct guide on the environment for all the world 's nations on problems like the greenhouse effect . ’
13 Plants — the principal source of medicinal drugs for all the world 's civilisations & cultures …
14 As previously stated , forward rates are quoted as an adjustment to the spot rate for all the world 's principal currencies by bank dealers operating in the foreign exchange market .
15 Christ , in dying , took the punishment for all the world 's evil , so that anyone who accepts this truth can be forgiven .
16 There is more water in the ground than in all the world 's rivers and lakes combined .
17 Growth in industrial production has slowed in all the world 's leading economies , with the UK and the US worst hit .
18 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
19 Our video banks have material from all the world 's religions .
20 These , then , are some of the ideas that attach to all the world 's waterways .
21 What happened to the idea that America 's power to open new markets was meant to bring benefits to all the world 's traders ?
22 If it does , a test ban might be a part of some new , more stable nuclear bargain worth having , though it will surely never be the answer to all the world 's nuclear worries .
23 Where had that stupid slogan come from , the facile answer of those who thought there were easy solutions to all the world 's problems ?
24 ‘ Apparently none of their allen keys would fit the screws , ’ explained Andy , who has ridden at all the world 's top circuits during his 16 year career .
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