Example sentences of "[prep] at [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We find a simple splitting into two states only for molecules in which there is a single halogen atom , lying on an axis of at least 3-fold symmetry .
2 The form of joinery used on such instruments implies ‘ able craftsmanship and an availability of at least small gouges and chisels ’ ( Lawson 1978 , p. 96 ) .
3 The system would mostly operate a service of at least half-hourly frequency , but the Twotowns North line would incorporate the existing BR express service between Shrewsbury and Wellington with Metro stopping trains at the alternate half-hour .
4 A considerable amount of freedom — I do n't think anybody would dispute that — but you are actually using public resources , you 're using erm highly expensive equipment , do you really not feel that in that situation some measure of at least financial control is essential ?
5 Thus , it has been argued that a set of at least tacit beliefs that underlay aesthetic modernism also underlay the birth of classical sociological theory in the work of Weber , Simmel , and Durkheim .
6 The fault element is fairly substantial , since the Lawrence definition refers to an obvious and serious risk of at least substantial damage to property : there will be few cases where only such damage , and no risk to personal safety , is involved ; moreover , as argued above , a major reason for having rules of the road which all drivers should know is to reduce the risk of injuries and deaths resulting .
7 If you are male , of at least medium height , and more than half a stone overweight .
8 Additions to a file set up by loading in access frequency order will have a disproportionate effect on file access time ; this is because they will be of at least average activity and often more , as new records tend to be very active , but are loaded into a densely packed file .
9 The child is of at least average intelligence .
10 Such efforts to engage with discourses on quality by means of notions like " taste " and " style " may be understood in terms of challenges issuing from the peripheries of the discipline , as well as beyond its boundaries , which called upon the leaders of English studies to provide an account of " literary quality " of at least equal force to those being generated outside the Review 's pages .
11 But of at least equal importance are skills .
12 Holiday prices are based on twin bedded rooms with private facilities of at least private shower and w.c .
13 It can not be too strongly stressed that the subject of letters is all-important and that , even though they may be complete with the signature , they are of little virtue or worth unless they say something of at least modest significance .
14 The evaluators could see no easy way out of this particular problem , but note that a guarantee to the Coordinating Team of at least medium-term funding would be an advantage .
15 Bakunin was perhaps not entirely wrong in supposing that in such a time the spirit of at least potential insurrection was most likely to smoulder among the marginal and sub-proletariat , though he was quite mistaken in believing that they would be the base of revolutionary movements .
16 In this event you will be offered the choice of an alternative holiday of at least comparable standard where available , or a full and prompt refund of any monies you have already paid .
17 Although it is unlikely , if we are forced to cancel your holiday arrangements we will inform you as soon as possible and you will be offered the choice of an alternative holiday of at least comparable standard , if available , or a refund of all monies paid .
18 The initial indication was , in all cases , CBD stricture associated with at least persistent cholestasis ( alkaline phosphatase concentrations greater than twice the normal values for more than three months and not decreasing for more than two weeks ) .
19 ‘ This reasoning applies with at least equal force to the present case .
20 Love Virgos involved in a new relationship should not expect much progress until at least early December .
21 Equally important , because of its smaller scale and more modest demands , it put the composers back in at least partial control of their experiments .
22 So the election produced an enormous increase in at least minimal awareness of local candidates .
23 You will be asked to state your preferred days and hours of work , and whether you are willing to be called upon at very short notice to cover for staff absence or other emergency .
24 Another reason for suspecting the masked lady was Ada is that she did seem to disappear , from at least public view , about that time .
25 There tends to be an easy assumption that satisfactory job training exists because everyone who remains in post in a library must of necessity have learnt to do his job to at least minimum standards … ’
26 Priscillian seems , too , to have demanded adherence to at least certain tenets of Judaic law .
27 Highly qualified medical men , now earning significantly less than their ambulance drivers , are leaving the much vaunted health care system in droves , looking for jobs ( sometimes two or three ) which offer a passport to at least temporary insolvency .
28 As the 1976 Royal Commission noted , ‘ the only route to at least temporary salvation [ was ] the dramatic savings in labour costs that can be achieved with the rational introduction of new technology …
29 ‘ Competitive bidding ’ includes any mode of sale whereby prospective purchasers may be enabled to compete for the purchase of articles , whether by way of increasing bids or by the offer of articles to be bid for at successively decreasing prices or otherwise . ’
30 Gripped by recession , some banks are now asking for at least temporary relief from these capital standards .
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