Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] [noun sg] i " in BNC.

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1 I had always imagined that when I finally lost my virginity , it would be for the same reason I smoked and drank , because it would have seemed unsophisticated not to .
2 For the same reason I dictate my memoirs in the centre of a maze .
3 ‘ Perhaps for the same reason I foolishly asked you to stay with Anna in the first place , ’ he snarled .
4 Later on during the same meeting I was attached to another working group whose task it was to revise the standard format of what was then called the ‘ Summary of the Report ’ .
5 Were we talking about the same sister I wondered .
6 Quite apart from the ones I killed ( and they were all about the same age I was when I murdered them ) I can think of at least three of our family who went to whatever they imagined their Maker was like in unusual ways .
7 About the same time I heard gunfire .
8 For at about the same time I was approached by the secretary of Edinburgh 's New Club which as a member of Brooks 's Club in London I was entitled to use on a reciprocal basis , and which I did use for lunch perhaps a dozen times a year .
9 Of course , the others laughed at him but he insisted and said that at about the same time I thought I 'd seen Sir Bartholomew , a stranger had arrived in the village late at night and stopped at the ale-house for food and drink .
10 An example of the latter point I made is shown on pg 45 where he tells of how he came to know Eddie .
11 But then in the next fraction of the same instant I realized that if I thought I had ceased to exist then I existed that the very thinking of this thought was me .
12 That device — whatever the hell it is — that I found in Magee was made of the same material I found melted in the other bodies . ’
13 I ca n't believe the review is of the same show I saw .
14 After some thought he said ; ‘ Well , I have a daughter your age , and if she were to come to me with the same question I would advise her to terminate . ’
15 I conclude this survey of Ingleborough with the same reluctance I feel when leaving the mountain after a day spent in its company , aware that I have failed to do justice to an old friend .
16 Given the new licensing laws for teachers I shall give them some experience of the post 16+ area before embarking on the lower school work with which under the former arrangement I would normally have begun .
17 In the ‘ Notes ’ under the same date I have written something I always wanted to remember : ‘ The walk at night .
18 ‘ We made love , but life will carry on , and while we 're under the same roof I think a verbal truce is in order . ’
19 Er again , it 's all down to where you 're going to stand to take the photograph , and I 'm not so sure that you I think you 've gone a little , no you know , I , I criticized the other one a bit , from the same person I think it possibly is because it 's the same style , the same sort of mounting .
20 The contrast between humanist and Christian values in relation to individual responsibility struck me very forcefully recently when within the same day I happened to read Free to Choose , Milton and Rose Friedman 's recent book in defence of economic freedoms , and a sermon of John Wesley , on ‘ The Use of Money ’ , first given in London in 1748 .
21 Why , the galaxy is so vast that in the latter case I could continue to pose — and behave — as an Inquisitor ; though I would truly be a renegade … ’
22 In the latter case I would be more likely to give you options and a reason , by saying : ‘ Would you mind moving slightly .
23 In the latter account I have described a situation in which the major parties each have a reservoir of virtually guaranteed electoral support , based on the traditional connection between the parties and the two ‘ classes ’ of British society ( which I have termed ‘ social collectivities ’ to distinguish them from classes defined at the level of property relations ) , the ‘ middle class ’ and the ‘ working class ’ .
24 In the same way I was unable to do much else but grin and bear it when my then assistant chief constable ( crime ) , Ken Oxford ( later to be the chief constable of Merseyside ) implicitly restated police concepts of correct bodily order , when he jokingly told a group of visiting journalists who had come to do a story on this wayward group of detectives , ‘ we pay him a plain clothes allowance you know ’ .
25 In the same way I am sure Proops was .
26 The Portrait of the Artist extract is more difficult , in the same way I think the Lawrence extract is difficult .
27 In the same way I felt compelled to write an angry , ranting letter after the band 's last appearance in NME , so I now feel compelled again .
28 But the point is that I do n't see myself as a playwright in the same way I would see myself as a prose writer .
29 God 's explanation of this little piece of street theatre ran as follows : you did n't punish the gourd when it failed you , did you ; and in the same way I 'm not going to punish Nineveh .
30 Still I suppose you could say he suffered for his religion in the same way I suffer for my art .
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