Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 This show will be a revelation for the many Americans who are too young to have seen the major survey mounted by Wildenstein in New York in 1949 .
2 These discoveries have a bittersweet taste for the many mothers who have been told by their doctors that they themselves were at the root of such problems — because they were over-anxious , inexperienced , nervy , overindulgent or whatever .
3 This area of the holiday business is a growth area — which is good news for the many scholars who would formerly have worked only for universities and can now supplement their incomes as tour guides .
4 Since previous to the revolution the majority of women had very low levels of education and , therefore , few opportunities open to them , the FMC embarked on an educational program and a rehabilitation scheme for the many women who found themselves in degrading and unrewarding situations .
5 The former road turns beyond the lane junction and crosses the valley to Morvich , a farming settlement in lovely surroundings with accommodation and camping for the many walkers who find this a convenient base for their mountain expeditions .
6 It is also , for the many people who feel , as I do , that Sigmund Freud 's influence on psychiatry has been generally damaging , a rich source of Schadenfreude .
7 Pray for the many people who will spend today alone
8 Opposition Members believe that the British people have the basic talents and abilities which , with investment in their skills and a programme committed to training , will allow us to map out a better , more secure and more dignified future not for only those already in work but for the many people who will join the labour market in years to come .
9 We 've already used , improved the supporters ' hut to provide shelter for the many people who watch the matches , from which to serve teas .
10 Creating a Carer 's Benefit for the many individuals who forgo normal earnings to look after elderly or disabled relatives .
11 Flaps are described in detail for the many pilots who do not fully understand how to make the best use of them , and who may be nervous about their first flights in a flapped machine .
12 But for the many guests who lie basking in the sun , around the pool or on the Club 's beach , the most familiar view is the endless expanse of brilliant blue sky .
13 For the many publishers who already originate their products in electronic form — particular those active in reference publishing who actively database their properties from the start — the step from electronic origination to electronic delivery is not great , at least not in practical terms .
14 As the law requiring £40 landowners to take up knighthood was seldom observed , the sumptuary acts conceded that it was reasonable for the many men who did not choose to do so to adopt the dress appropriate to the standard of living they must certainly have enjoyed .
15 Other forms of surgery are , therefore , still necessary for the many patients who suffer uncontrollable or repeated haemorrhage after sclerotherapy .
16 In spite of the vast array of clinical and pathological features which help predict patient outcome , individual tumour behaviour can still not be accurately determined for the most patients who fall into Dukes 's stage B and C1 , with 77% and 41% 5 year survival respectively .
17 The legislation protects their consciences , and in charity makes financial provision for the few priests who will feel that they must leave .
18 Near nightfall he saw his younger sister Katya come out of the kitchens into the yard , saw her empty some slops for the few chickens who scuttled about .
19 Afterwards Martha provided ham and a salad with hard-boiled eggs like gleaming bald heads sticking out from limp lettuce leaves for the few people who turned up .
20 It may be too great a temptation to human frailty , apt to grasp at power , for the same persons who have the power of making laws , to have also in their hands the power to execute them , whereby they may exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they make , and suit the law , both in its making and execution , to their own private advantage .
21 Controls comprised 21 patients with ileal pouches constructed during the same period who had been followed up for a mean duration of 43 months ( range 15–119 months ) and who had had endoscopies that showed no evidence of active inflammation .
22 By way of introduction , today we find out more about the former model who is behind the secrets of the stars — and her remarkable success rate in predicting what will be …
23 When Erich Honecker gave his last big speech many people regretted the fact that there was n't a hint of sadness about all the things that had gone wrong in the past 40 years , all the changes that should have happened and never did — nor , finally , any regrets about the many people who fled the country .
24 But when the woman she had given Cara 's card to hove into view her heartbeats steadied , for the person who accompanied her was not male but was a pinafore-clad woman of about the same age who , duster in hand , had obviously been brought away from her cleaning duties .
25 Chris Laidlaw , the All Black halfback , was another about the same time who , in fact , teamed with Mains ' brother Rick as the inside backs in an outstanding school team .
26 Hari had remained in the cemetery long after the few neighbours who had attended Win Morgan 's funeral had gone .
27 At one stage in her career , it had seemed you could n't open up a rock paper or one of the tabloids without seeing her tumbling golden mane and her lazy catlike smile captured by one of the many photographers who seemed to dog her every step .
28 In the writing of inspection reports it will be essential to express findings in a positive manner and in a language and style that address the concerns of the many non-specialists who make up the audience for the reports .
29 For Paul , that offering is made up of the lives of the many Gentiles who have turned to faith in God .
30 According to leading dermatologist Professor Malcolm Greaves , one of the many doctors who has tried to treat Graham , there are thousands of conditions which can affect the human skin .
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