Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for .
2 Potential and confirmed breeders of tropical fish really should see this one if only for the many tips they 'll acquire .
3 Thanks also to Lynn Inglis and her team for the many newsletters they produced to such a high standard .
4 The law demanded that they attend school for the few hours they were not in the theatre , but time spent on education was minimal as the pantomime was so popular that there were matinées most days .
5 Some people did expect an awful lot from those youngsters for the few shillings they paid them .
6 She also sewed clothes for toys and puppets , tiny dresses and jackets for anthropomorphic bears and monkeys and robes and mantles in silks and velvets for the few puppets they sold in the shop and gowns and breeches for the tall puppets who performed in the theatre .
7 The Sigmar representatives are very influential , and because they cast their votes for the same candidate they wield influence out of proportion to their numbers .
8 For the same reason they have focused on the groups who seemed most likely to be needy : the working class in the inner city , the isolated and the institutionalized .
9 For the same reason they understand why Gandalf tells Frodo not to use the Ring ( use always causes addiction ) ; why Sam , Bilbo and Frodo nevertheless survive their use of it ( addiction in early stages is curable ) ; why Boromir succumbs to the Ring without handling it ( use has to be preceded by desire ) ; and why Faramir can shrug it off ( a wise person is capable of stifling the desire to become addicted , though no wisdom will stifle addiction once contracted ) .
10 For the same reason they have been known to treat surrounding farmland as though it were a vast municipal park across which their dogs can roam or their children can ride their ponies without much thought for the consequences .
11 He believes in his heart that Daisy has loved him during the many years they have not seen each other but he has pined over her .
12 During the few minutes they chatted , apart from mentioning he was divorced , he did not bring up Liza 's name .
13 For economy of space occupied by the site of the lift the two inclined ways would generally be side by side and although at the same inclination and extending between the same levels they would not be in the same plane but echeloned so that the one extends , so to speak , from the right side of the head bay to the right side of the tail bay whilst the other extends from the left side of the head bay to the left side of the tail bay .
14 A. If your Temporales are still about the same size they I am afraid it is extremely likely that you have two of the same sex , as size is a major sexual difference in this species , with males around 50 per cent bigger in all directions than females .
15 They escaped in the van through the same gates they had entered and disappeared into heavy traffic .
16 Mrs Pouncey is at present editing his diaries , drawing attention to entries such as one for October 1949 , when , between 7.17 am and 12.25 pm he visited no less than twelve Roman churches , certainly with the intense concentration he devoted to each of the many visits they made to Italy together .
17 It was one of the many characteristics they shared .
18 They are also helping the couple in making a collage of the many photographs they took .
19 Lowe quickly made the telling point that whenever he saw film or photographs of the All Blacks they always looked as grim and serious .
20 By December of the same year they had two similar groups and by March 1988 , three and at this stage they began to meet all together monthly for a celebration .
21 The king 's concession that the cost of troops should fall on the rich and powerful rather than the poor of the community was insufficient to placate the commons , and in the October parliament of the same year they presented a petition entitled ‘ La demande de la Commune ’ in which they called for the abolition of the maltote , the punishment of purveyors who took prises without making payment , and pardon for debts .
22 A recent survey found only three out of ten women started a business of the same type they had worked in previously .
23 For them this meeting may be one of the few contacts they have with the Church .
24 Representatives of the few people they had come to know in the course of their wanderings round the world were left to clear up .
25 The scouts were also working hard to keep up with the many breakfasts they cooked that morning .
26 One younger Welsh hill farmer used to go up ‘ to help his father in evenings with the few cattle they had ’ , but afterwards at supper the older man expected the grandchildren to keep silent , and if they spoke ‘ he 'd look at us fiercely . ’
27 ( i ) Reselection is every five years for a further five year period : ( a ) If panel members are with the same firm they would be expected to supply details of relevant experience over the previous five years , and to have attended a number of updating courses , accumulating at least 20 continuing education points ( or hours ) from courses related to personal injury work .
28 ( i ) Reselection is every five years for a further five-year period : ( a ) If panel members are with the same firm they would be expected to demonstrate at least the same level of competence covering their experience , skills and knowledge as when they initially joined the panel , and to have attended a number of updating courses , accumulating at least 20 continuing education points ( or hours ) from courses related to medical negligence work .
29 I could not present them , at fifty-five and sixty , with the same situation they had had to face twenty years earlier when my mother had come home from the teacher 's training college where she was a lecturer in medieval history , given birth to me , and died of it .
30 She was turned fifteen now , and had a wise old head on her shoulders ; in many ways , the girl reminded Beth of Maisie ; like two peas from the same pod they were .
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